Influence of planets
Compatibility by date of birth online
Compatibility by date of birth online

It happens that a man and a woman meet for the first time, begin to communicate, and they are left with the feeling that they have known each other for many years - they finish each other’s sentences, understand each other perfectly. This often happens if between them...

How zodiac signs are distributed by month and date Zodiac signs birth dates table of the year
How zodiac signs are distributed by month and date Zodiac signs birth dates table of the year

2016 shows that the first month of summer will be tense and will require some effort from almost all signs. In the above chart you can see the main periods: Busy days: 1st-5th, 9th-10th and 20th-21st. Favorable: 6-8, 13 and...

When can a girl get married: predictions by date of birth
When can a girl get married: predictions by date of birth

Surely, many people are thinking about how their future will turn out. And, of course, for both women and men, one of the first questions is how many marriages they will have. In order to somehow predict fate in advance,...

How to find out your number in numerology?
How to find out your number in numerology?

Numerology is one of the ancient sciences of numbers. Numerology has its roots in ancient times - primitive tribes used numbers. In numerology, all words, names and dates are reduced to simple numbers that correspond to...

How many guardian angels can a person have?
How many guardian angels can a person have?

Imagine the situation: a man took a plane ticket, but suddenly something delayed him. Perhaps the car didn’t start, the taxi arrived late, the keys disappeared, although it seemed they should have been “right here”, the unfortunate person disappeared somewhere again...

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth
Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth

Every person living on our planet is an individual. Different character traits, morals, everything is completely different. But I would like to look into my inner world at least once. The square was invented by Pythagoras himself many centuries ago. To this day, his calculations...

What does the number 34 mean in numerology?
What does the number 34 mean in numerology?

Adherents of numerology claim that a person’s fate and purpose can be found out by calculating his karmic number based on his date of birth. This is quite simple to do; all you need to do is know the person’s full date of birth and have...

Horoscope for Gemini by date of birth
Horoscope for Gemini by date of birth

The family sphere of life will be a priority for Gemini in the year of the Fire Rooster. Try not to let this affect other, very important aspects, because, having lost an excellent chance through your stupidity, you risk going into a protracted...

Numerology: who you were in a past life by date of birth How to find out who you were in a past life - profession
Numerology: who you were in a past life by date of birth How to find out who you were in a past life - profession

The idea of ​​reincarnation seems very tempting. For some, it is much easier to believe in a new life in another body than to imagine some kind of Garden of Eden or another afterlife. If a person believes in reincarnation, then he asks a logical question: who is he...

Talisman stones according to zodiac signs Stone for those born after April 22
Talisman stones according to zodiac signs Stone for those born after April 22

Each person has several stones that suit him. Stones can be selected according to several principles. The most famous of them is selecting a stone according to the zodiac sign. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Powerful talisman stones for Aries are:...

Runic horoscope by date of birth
Runic horoscope by date of birth

Runes are ancient signs that can be used as a talisman and endow their owner with certain qualities. They have enormous power and should only be used wisely. If you wear a rune that is not suitable for you or a rune with...

Mayan calendar by date of birth calculate Tzolkin
Mayan calendar by date of birth calculate Tzolkin

MAYAN MYSTIC HOROSCOPE BY DATE OF BIRTH. ::: Mesoamerica is the name given to the territory of modern Mexico and northern Central America. During the Pre-Classical period (c. 600 BC), stone carvings made by Olmec artists give...

Numerology: who you were in a past life by date of birth
Numerology: who you were in a past life by date of birth

The theory of reincarnation and immortality of the soul has existed for many years. Ideas about the reincarnation of the soul have been known since the times of the ancient states of India and Greece. Many people believe that their soul has been alive for a very long time, and they are interested in the question of whether it is possible...

How to find out your palace, or Slavic zodiac sign?
How to find out your palace, or Slavic zodiac sign?

Today I came across a post - How to choose a Slavic amulet according to the horoscope. This dial confused me - pay attention: along the contour there are symbols of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, used in Lopan compasses (I myself have been practicing them for a long time...

Numerology who I was in a past life by date of birth
Numerology who I was in a past life by date of birth

Karmic debts, information about past lives and even the date of death by date of birth are information that every person can find out. Below are the numerology calculations for this. In the article: Calculating the date of death from the date of birth Find out the date...