Feng Shui wish map: how to make and a ready-made example. Feng Shui wish map - we distribute desires by zones Dream map how to do it right

For people who are familiar with films and books on Feng Shui, as well as with the works of prominent authors of our time, such as Alexander Sviyash, Natalya Pravdina and others, the wish card technique is not new buy levitra cheap. You can read and hear about it in a variety of presentations and interpretations everywhere: from the original Chinese Feng Shui techniques based on the Ba Gua scheme, and ancient shamanic techniques for forming the desired reality, to the sensational film for businessmen "The Secret" over the past few years, as well as numerous modern specialized literature on psychology and NLP. The reason for the popularity of this phenomenon is simple and banal: the Feng Shui wish map is the most effective means of fulfilling any, even the most daring, human dreams.

At first glance, there is nothing sacred in creating and worshiping a map of one's own desires. It's just that a person creates an ideal, from his point of view, world, in the center of which he places himself. This happens on paper or in one of the illustrator programs on the computer. Often the fruits of such work look colorful, comical and eccentric, as the people who compose them try to put everything that they have ever dreamed of on a small piece of paper. But if you dig deeper, study the background of this funny collage trend, it turns out that under it lies a serious layer of the history of the development of magic. Since ancient times, people have known a simple truth: everything invented by the mind can be materialized with the proper application of the necessary energies. Simply put, any thought and idea can become a reality at any moment, if you know how to influence it. It was for this that at one time people created runes, conspiracies, magic formulas, the very first prototypes of a wish card. This magical artifact at different times and in different sources bore a lot of names. The wish map has been called a dream map, an affirmation list, a global life plan, a dream visualization, a treasure map, and even a wish scroll. However, its meaning has not changed from its names.

A map or board of visualizations has always been a complex system of coordinates aimed at concretizing the life aspirations of a person, fixing them and systematically bringing them to life through materialization from the spiritual to the physical sphere.

People who had access to knowledge about this artifact have always achieved fame, financial stability, career success, honors, professional achievements, victories on the love front and everything that they themselves desired, often they were helped in this. The desire visualization map did not let down anyone who knew how to work with it, correctly directed their energy, reinforcing it with real actions. If today we trace the names of those characters in world history who used the map technique, then their number will be truly impressive.

So, a treasure map of a particular person. What it is? This is a set of affirmations, the most valuable and significant events in the life of an individual (which are yet to happen), capable of bringing him happiness and satisfaction with his own being. Why exactly a map? Because on a sheet of paper, as on a geographical map (in a strictly defined order), they place their own dreams and wishes related to certain areas of life, centering them and closing them on a happy, ideal image of themselves. In other words, drawing up a map of desires requires maximum concentration on your wishes, concretization and visualization of them. You can put dreams on a map in any of the possible ways - glue pictures, draw diagrams, cut out collages from colored paper, etc. What is important is not the mechanism for applying dream prototypes, but the end result.

In turn, the principles of functioning of the system of visualized dreams are as follows:

  1. The dream should be as precisely and clearly formulated as possible. Its implementation also depends on its specificity. For example, you should not ask for “love”, because it can turn out to be the self-evident love of parents or pets, the crazy love of a maniac, and a hundred more varieties of love you don’t need. Ask specifically for "mutual love for a handsome, kind, intelligent, rich man."
  2. You should not put blinders on your own imagination and thereby limit your desires, guided by the principle "I will certainly never achieve this." What you want or dream about can potentially be fulfilled, since it is believed that none of the desires is given to a person without the strength to make this desire a reality.
  3. The map should not deviate from the principle layout of the arrangements of the same type of affirmations (for example, recognized in the science of Feng Shui). It is not without reason that the techniques developed over the centuries exist in this, and not in another, form. Their shape, type, size, sectors are planned in accordance with the system of the Universe itself, and their violation introduces an element of disharmony, imbalance of the entire structure of the world, and therefore leads to the impossibility of fulfilling a dream.
  4. Pictures for the wish card should be selected or applied according to the principle of a positive vision of the world: avoid negative connotations, depict only happy people, good relationships, joy, love, kindness, peace, happiness, harmony. No dark colors, oppressive atmosphere, negative characters. Ideally, you also need to back up each picture with a corresponding signature in the present tense (this will significantly speed up the effect of wish fulfillment).
  5. Almost all the reviews of people working on this system agree on one thing: the resulting picture should be both visible to the person who compiled it, and hidden from prying eyes. It is recommended to glue it at home in a secret place, in an individual locker at work, on the desktop of your own laptop, etc. It is best to look at her at moments of emotional upsurge, directing the flows of positive energy in the photo depicted on it, as well as on the eve and immediately after a deep rest - sleep. So the mind will get used to waking up and going to bed with images-dreams and realize them as soon as possible.
  6. It makes no sense to try to learn how to draw up a wish map correctly, spend a huge amount of time creating it and further work on visualization, without taking real steps to create the necessary situation, solve the tasks set, achieve the desired goals. One picture with dreams and plans for the future is not enough - you need to really try to help the Universe fulfill everything you have planned.

How to make a wish card?

The main question that torments everyone who is familiar with the map of human treasures or desires is the question of how to make a map of desires. For this, however, much is not needed. It is enough to have a little imagination, a large sheet of paper, a printer for printing pictures (or a lot of color magazines), as well as pencils, felt-tip pens, and paints.

Pictured is a wish card.

The main stages of creating a dream map

  1. Preparation stage. At this stage, you need to stock up on everything you need to create a picture on the principle of a collage, choose the most successful photo of yourself, from which a joyful and happy person looks at you. At hand should also be detailed instructions for creating a poster.
  2. The stage of planning the future scheme of the map. You should clearly present and write out on a separate piece of paper all your dreams and desires, clarify them as much as possible, detail them, give them brightness and color. Imagine yourself in a situation of their full implementation. Record this state and select the necessary picture or photograph for it.
  3. The stage of placing and fixing elements. Arrange the cut out pictures block by block, stick them on whatman paper, fix them firmly, not forgetting the aesthetics of the work. The resulting collage image should look beautiful and interesting, even if there is an element of variegation in it.
  4. Stage of launching the affirmation scheme. In the collage, be sure to encrypt the key - the trigger of the entire system, which means a simple desire that you can fulfill on your own (for example, order pizza at home). After this desire is realized, other visualizations from the picture will start to be executed according to the snowball principle.

The main parameters of the map:

  1. The key element of the map is its main blocks. There should be 8 of them.
  2. The shape of the whole structure can be chosen arbitrarily: circle, octagon, square, etc.
  3. The ideal dimensions of the Feng Shui card should be: 68 cm - length, 68 cm - width of the sheet.
  4. The central and largest element of the scheme is the photo of the creator of the map.
  5. Placing a sheet with a diagram is a secluded corner of the collage owner's personal space. The wish fulfillment card should be quite hidden from strangers, but also located in a prominent place for your own.
  6. The frequency of seeing the scheme by its author is several times a day.

So, in order for the do-it-yourself wish card to turn out to be smooth, beautiful and effective, it immediately takes effect, it must be carried out clearly according to the instructions.

Elements of the plan-scheme of visualization of desires

When creating a dream poster, it is important first of all to take into account the location of the sectors of the scheme. The main elements of a personal treasure map are the so-called blocks of the Eight Life Aspirations, or Ba Gua, which served as the basis for this coordinate system. Each of them has its own unique characteristics, such as color, emotions, location. The map maker must clearly represent each of them, inscribing only the details inherent in it. In particular, the following elements of the scheme are distinguished:

  1. Dreams related to work, the professional activity of the individual, his career growth are located at the bottom, in the so-called north of the picture. The color of this fragment is blue. Mood - fighting, active, working.
  2. Desires associated with obtaining new information, gaining wisdom or accepting God, enlightenment and other similar things are located in the northeast (bottom left of the picture). The predominant color is beige. Emotions - openness, goodness, calmness.
  3. Everything that in one way or another concerns a person’s mentors (starting from specific people, events and ending with countries and situations), helping an individual in understanding or gaining something, is located in the northwest of the scheme or, more precisely, at the bottom of the collage, on the right. Color - grey. The main feelings are gratitude, empathy.
  4. The hopes placed by a person on his existing or future family should be placed on the left side of the picture, on the side, in the east. The color of this segment is green. The state of the soul is love and harmony.
  5. Wishes or feedback from an individual about his future or existing offspring should be placed in the west of the picture (on the right side). Color - white (milky is also suitable). Mood - hope, anticipation, pride.
  6. Those wishing to achieve fame, recognition, honors in a particular area are advised to pay special attention to the upper sector of the map (its southern fragment). The color of this block is red. State of mind - activity, gratitude, delight.
  7. To place dreams related to financial well-being, wealth, business profits and other monetary transactions, the dream card leaves the southeast sector (top left). Its color is pale green. Emotions - the joy of gaining, well-deserved achievements, the delight of possession.
  8. Aspirations aimed at personal life, a love front, should be grouped in the southwestern section of the scheme or, according to Feng Shui, at the top right. This block should be painted brown. Experience altruistic feelings, love, passion.
  9. The desired appearance and state of health will be described by the central, axial sector. Its color is yellow. Emotions - joy, happiness, cheerfulness, positive.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching based on many attributes and tools that allow you to achieve what you want. The most effective of them is the so-called wish card. She can help a lot in life, bring her dream as close as possible. Such cards in different periods of their lives were made by many prominent personalities, and who knows, maybe it was because of this that they became outstanding?

What is a wish card?

The wish map is not just one of the directions of ancient Chinese teachings. Even considering it from the point of view of psychology and magic, one can find a healthy grain and a certain meaning in such actions. It is not for nothing that recently such disciplines as "goal setting" and "time management" have become widespread.

By planning your life, setting goals and visualizing them, you can achieve what you want much faster. After all, if there is no goal and plans, then there is no possibility to realize them, and if all dreams are decomposed into sectors of the wish map, a stable thought form will be created, which, through intentions in the form of invisible energy highways, will attract the right people, situations and prerequisites for the materialization of desires to the compiler .

Only pictures-images and specific formulations-desires must be real. That is, you don’t need to dream of flying to the moon, but becoming the owner of a car in accordance with your financial capabilities is a completely feasible desire. And even if while the dream of a desired car seems unrealistic, consciousness will launch a program for its implementation and will look for ways to solve the problem. Therefore, it is not only possible to dream, but also necessary, not forgetting that everything in life must be balanced.

Mapping the right way

When compiling a wish map for a year or for any other period of time, you need to stock up on a large piece of paper. There will be a place to turn around on an A1 format paper, but if your desires are rather modest or you want to make a small trial version, you can also take a regular landscape sheet.

Pictures for a wish card can be found in glossy magazines, newspapers and other printed publications. The paper base should be divided into 9 zones, each of which will correspond to a certain side of the world and the corresponding area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. This is the so-called Bagua grid.

Feng Shui Map Zones:

  1. Center. This is a zone of personality and one's own health. Here you should put your photo in the most joyful and happy moment of your life. You can surround your photo with the things you love the most. Fashionistas can choose items of clothing, sportswomen use shells.
  2. The wealth sector occupies the southeast. It is clear that there is a place for images of money, coins, expensive pieces of furniture, everyday life, jewelry. Those who dream of profit should write something like: “I am a magnet for money”, “Next month I will earn 100 euros more”.
  3. The southern sector represents glory. Here you should place pictures symbolizing success, universal recognition. For example, singers can choose a photo of their idol, drawing lovers can choose paintings by great masters. You can simply surround your photo with images of famous people.
  4. In the southwest is the sector of love and marriage. This zone was created for love paraphernalia - hearts, wedding rings, images of a kissing couple. For those who are already married, you can post a photo with your soulmate and write "Together forever." For those who dream of uniting with a loved one through marriage, you can portray the bride and groom, but for those who are in search of a more complete and accurate depiction of the desired man or woman with features of appearance and features that I would like to see in a loved one. For example, women who dream of a successful brown-eyed brunette should portray this in their office, driving a beautiful car. And be sure to write something like: “Ready to meet a successful, handsome and respectable man of 35 years old.”
  5. The western sector symbolizes children and creativity. In fact, this is the sector of self-realization, because a woman is realized through motherhood, creativity, and hobbies. Those who dream of a child should place a photo of a pretty little one or a mother with a baby in this zone. Well, those who devote themselves to creativity all their lives should choose the appropriate images: interior designers, photos of rooms, actors to portray Melpomene.
  6. In the northwest resides the sector of assistants and travel. In the latter case, everything is clear: here it is worth placing photos of countries where you want to visit, and as for assistants, you can include in this zone photos of real people who help you in life or images of Saints who are especially revered, for example, Matrona of Moscow, Nikolai Ugodnik.
  7. North is responsible for career growth. Here is the place for the image of the stairs, "white collars", offices of specific companies in which I would like to work. Those who have their own business should display the prospects for its development in this zone. For example, having a small cafe, draw a chain of restaurants around the world.
  8. Northeast represents wisdom and knowledge. Students should post here a photo of the university they plan to graduate from. Any images related to obtaining the desired knowledge, for example, learning a foreign language, etc., will do.
  9. To the east is the family sector. For some, this is only a husband and children, while someone cannot imagine themselves without numerous relatives. All this can be displayed in this zone, as well as relationships with friends, by writing something like: “Together we are strong!”

Best time to do

Now you know how to make a wish card, but this alone is not enough. It is also necessary to choose a day favorable for this enterprise. Alternatively, you can purchase a special feng shui calendar of auspicious dates and follow it. If one could not be found, it is recommended to follow these rules when drawing up a wish map:

Activation and placement of the wish card

Making a wish card is half the battle. You need to know how to activate it. It is necessary to provide something like a trigger mechanism from which everything will start to work and come true.

Wanting to know how to activate the wish card correctly, you need to make the simplest wish that could be immediately realized. Well, for example, to guess drawing up a map with the purchase of a pet, the beginning of repairs. Then in the center you need to put a photo of your pet and the renovated house.

If there is a suspicion that such a desire will not come true very soon, you can hang in the center an image of a blouse you like in the store and immediately go and buy it, thus fulfilling your first desire and launching the execution mechanism and all the others.

When looking for a place to place a card, you need to take into account that it should constantly catch your eye, but at the same time be hidden from strangers. If guests rarely come into your bedroom, then you can put a piece of paper there, or even better, attach it to the inside of a wardrobe or kitchen cabinet door. Thus, you will look at her every time you choose a set of clothes.

There are no specific deadlines for the fulfillment of desires, but again, everything will depend on their reality and the efforts made by the performer himself. Every day you need to look at the map and try to feel your desires, as well as see how they are realized, and then your plans will surely come true. Good luck!

folk saying "Be careful what you wish for, they tend to come true" can be turned to your advantage. To do this, you need to create a wish map, look at it more often and visualize it. According to reviews, for people who actively use the card, wishes come true in the very near future.

In ours, we will talk a lot about desires. So do not put off a detailed guide far.

When to compose

There are no restrictions for the wish card - by time, age, gender, marital status, social status, wealth. If you follow all the rules of compilation and do not set clearly unrealistic dreams, for example, “I lost 40 kg in a month”, She will work". Often a map is drawn up for a year, three, five ahead, especially when a person is on the verge of a “new” life, for example, he broke up with his loved one, decided to change his job or move. A good time to draw up a map of desires are the days of the growing moon and the full moon. The energy of these days is so powerful that all your wishes will come true in the shortest possible time. But during the waning moon, on the contrary, forces are declining, everyone is overcome by apathy and laziness - there is no time for a map. You need to deal with the map in splendid isolation - no "advisers" and "assistants" are needed in this matter. The mood is only good, and the atmosphere is inspiring. Turn off your gadgets and disappear from the "ether" to dream and make a personal map.

Wish Mapping Methods

Someone prefers to make a map with their own hands, someone uses online resources, someone draws in graphic editors. Of course, there is no single approach, but it will still be better if you do it manually. Yes, you will spend more time on this than with the help of some online resource, but the effectiveness of a “manual” map will be much higher. Not for nothing, after all, experts advise writing all lists, goals, tasks only by hand - while you are writing, your subconscious mind fixes everything. But even if you decide to compile it on a computer, print it out and keep it on paper for visualization.

What you need for a wish card

To make a wish card, “arm yourself” with a sheet of A4 or A3 paper, pencils and markers of different colors, a pair of glossy magazines, scissors, glue or tape, a ruler. The format of the sheet of paper depends on you - the more desires you have, the larger the "battlefield" will be, respectively. Glossy magazines should meet your interests and desires, and they should not be a pity to put under the knife. Choose those where there are pictures for the wish card: photos of things that you like, countries where you want to relax, men that you like, and the like. According to Astro7 experts, people who actively use the card have their wishes come true in the very near future.

How to make a wish so that it comes true: 7 main rules

For some, family matters come first, for others, personal growth is important, someone wants to lose weight, and someone wants to relax in Italy. If you want the card to work, the desires, firstly, must be yours, and not your mothers, grandmothers or work colleagues; secondly, they must be executable. Of course, if you believe Cinderella, who kept saying: “No matter how much your heart suffers, if you believe, your dream will surely come true”, but dreaming about winning the lottery without buying lottery tickets on principle is stupid. The ideal desire is to want to multiply what you have, for example, to change an old car for a fresher one, to move to a new job with a better salary and career prospects. Thirdly, in no case should you change the past, because the wish card is a projection of the future, and not work with the past, which does not allow you to move forward. Fourth, do not set deadlines, your desire should be "here and now", for example, not “At the end of the year I will buy a Mercedes”, A "I drive a brand new Mercedes". And then, in the bottom line, it will be like in a joke:
- I want to go to Paris again. - Have you been there before? - No, I already wanted to.
Fifth, desires must be specific, but without fanaticism. If you dream, for example, of a family, then you should not put a specific man in your dreams - perhaps he is not a match for you at all and the Higher powers have their own plans for him and for you. You can describe his appearance, what he does, what he enjoys, where he lives, what he rides, but please do not put on the map of desires the photo of Petrov, with whom you are secretly, or maybe not quite secretly, in love. Sixth, do not make mistakes with the wording. Higher powers take your wish list literally, and if you just wrote "I have two children", after a few years, you may well be a single mother with two children in her arms, and not a happy wife and mother. The same with an apartment, a car, a job, a trip abroad and other desires, otherwise you will work in a new job with a lower salary, drive a new car, but a class lower, and your apartment will burn down and you just have to move out to a new one. Seventh, desires must be good. Everything bad that you wish other people will come back into your life like a boomerang.

How to select pictures and photos

Let's go from the opposite and write as it is impossible.
In the “Love” sector, you cannot put a photo of a specific person, with the exception of your spouse or loved one - if you are in the company of a conditional “half”, then you need to use his photo “from the back”. If you dream of a car, then you need a photo in which you are in a car, and not nearby - otherwise, you will walk next to someone else's Mercedes, and not drive it. If you dream of wealth, then do not take a photo in the style of "raining out of bills" - the money will pass by or not stay in your hands. Photos of children in the "Love, family and relationships" sector should be posted only when you are really ready for pregnancy now, and not someday, in a year or two. You can not use low-quality photos, photos of items with defects, for example, broken cars.

How to make a wish map

Take a sheet of paper and place your photo in the center - this is the central sector of your map. Ideally, if you look great and smile in this photo - there should not be any gloomy faces on the wish card. You can write below "I am the happiest person in the world" or "I am the most charming and attractive", or any other your cherished desire. Divide the poster of desires into sectors: - Health - Finance, prosperity - Love, family, relationships - Fame, recognition, honors - Relationships with family and friends, friends - Personal growth, knowledge, wisdom - Profession, career, success - Hobbies, hobbies - Trips
Sector "Health"
Here write everything that relates to your health and appearance. If you want to lose weight, then write like that “I lost 5 kg in a month” or “I lost weight to 52 kg by the end of the year”. This also includes any metamorphoses with appearance - if you want to change something, be sure to write it in your wish calendar.
Sector "Finance, prosperity"
In this sector, write desires that are associated with money. For example, a photo of an apartment or a house, a car that you dream of, a mink coat, and jewelry will be appropriate here. If you want to earn, for example, 10-20 thousand dollars a month, write this desire or stick a picture on which this amount or some attribute of wealth is drawn or photographed. You can, for example, take a photo in the car you like, and attach it to the map.
Sector "Love, marriage, relationships"
If you dream of meeting a man, stick a photo of the one you like - not a specific person, but a type that appeals to you, but preferably from the back. If you dream of a family and children, photos of wedding rings and other wedding attributes, photos with children will do. For those who are already in a relationship or marriage, it does not hurt to post a group photo with some positive caption, for example, “Me and he are a happy family”, “We are together forever”, “We love each other”.
If you dream of a family and children, photos of wedding rings and other wedding attributes, photos with children will do.
Sector "Glory, recognition, honors"
This sector is responsible for your ambitious aspirations. If you sleep and see yourself as a speaker at a conference, it's time to visualize this dream. To do this, you can collect photos, for example, from conferences, stick them on and sign “I am successful and famous”, “The whole world knows me as a successful person”, “I am known and respected in my industry”, “My name is a speaker at famous conferences”. If you dream of entering the circle of famous people, place their photo in this sector and along with your photo.
Sector "Relationships with relatives and friends"
This sector is responsible for harmonious relations with your environment. If everything is fine with you there, post a joint photo with family and friends, and sign, for example, “We are happy”, “We are together, we are friends - and it will always be like this”, “My family and friends are healthy, happy - I am happy for them”.
Sector "Personal growth, knowledge, wisdom"
If you have long dreamed of mastering, for example, time management, attach a printout from the courses you want to take or a book on this topic. If you have plans for ten-finger typing and speed reading, just write “I mastered ten-finger typing and speed reading technique”, or you don't mind reading a book a week, then write "I read a book a week" next to photo books.
Sector "Profession, career, success"
This sector is somewhat similar to personal growth, but here we are talking about professional merit. If you dream of the position of the chief, just write "I am the head of the department." If you understand that the position does not shine for you at your current place, it's time to think about a new job, then write “I work at another company with a salary twice as high as at my previous job”. If you are tired of being a hired specialist, write to "I make my dreams come true, I don't work to fulfill someone else's".
Sector "Hobby, hobbies"
If you are fond of something, go in for sports, creativity, help homeless animals, you probably have some dreams. For example, reach the peak of sports form and perform at competitions or learn how to paint with watercolors and sell your first painting. This sector needs photos of your hobbies with appropriate motivating inscriptions. Also in this sector, desires that are associated with children are often written.
Sector "Travel"
Do not stop your imagination here - feel free to stick photos of countries and places on the map that you dream of visiting. France, Italy, Monaco, Ibiza, Egypt - photos of these places will cheer you up even in those days when it is hopelessly spoiled. Alternatively, you can attach a map showing the route of your future trip. In conclusion, you need to draw arrows from all the pictures and inscriptions to yourself, to your central photo. Thus, you seem to additionally attract them to you, into your life.

How to use the wish card

The wish card must be "live". To do this, you need to periodically update it, for example, adding small desires, concretizing voluminous ones. The map should be at your fingertips, but it should not be visible to other people. Many mount it on the inside of the cabinet door - so you will see it several times a day. You must periodically look at her, visualize dreams - if you do this often, your desires will come true in the very near future. You can learn more about the project and vote for the participant

Our thoughts work wonders. And if these thoughts are supported by words and pictures on paper, then desires begin to be fulfilled at lightning speed. A do-it-yourself feng shui wish card is quite easy to do. Let's look at all the details in more detail.

What it is

A do-it-yourself wish card or wish poster is the personification of our thoughts and desires, which are transferred to paper. Our Universe hears all our requests and is able to bring them to life! You can get through to the heavenly office faster with the help of a map, since the recorded thoughts work and come to life much faster.

Creation rules

A few of our tips will help you create the right message for your desires:

  1. A do-it-yourself wish card can consist only of pictures, or maybe of pictures and text. Here the choice is yours.
  2. All Wishlists must be written in present tense.

Wrong: I want a new job. I want a new car.

Right: I have a favorite job. I own a BMW car.

  1. The more details the better. For the embodiment, try to describe your desire in the smallest detail. If you just ask for a “red car”, then they can bring you an old and battered red Cossack. And you wanted a BMW!

Wrong: I have a good job.

Right: I work as an editor of my own program on Channel One and receive 300,000 rubles a month.

  1. Do not use the particles "not" and "without". The Universe does not perceive them and erases them. When you say "I don't want to be fat". The universe removes the "not" particle and interprets it like this: "I want to be fat."

Wrong: I don't want to cry over guys. I don't want a divorce. I do not want to be ill.

Right: I am happy and loved by my boyfriend/husband. I am healthy, my body is always in good shape, and my mood is in high spirits.

  1. It's best to use your own photo. There should not be strangers on the wish card. When you ask for a new car, try to stick your photo next to it. Only in the marriage sector is a joint photo of you and your fiancé appropriate.
  2. Ask for as many things as you need. If it is yours, it will definitely come to you.
  3. The wish card has no expiration date. It can be done for a year, for two, for five years, and even for 10. It all depends on you.
  4. What to do with a wish card when all wishes have come true? Give thanks for the work and just dispose of it.
  5. A do-it-yourself wish card is made on whatman paper, on an A4 sheet. You can simply write down desires in a notebook or notebook. The wish card can also be electronic. If you own Paint or Photoshop, then feel free to create a new project of your future.
  6. You can make a wish card simply in the Notes of your smartphone or download a special application. You can make a wish card on your phone using these applications:
  • vision board;
  • iWish.

Important areas

How to make a wish card with your own hands? It is important to remember that Feng Shui divides the space into several zones. These are 4 main sides (north, south, west, east) and 4 adjacent (northeast, southwest, northwest, southeast).

Each of these sectors is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. The wish card must be divided into zones and activated in a special way.

Central Health Sector

Do-it-yourself wish card is very easy to make. but you should always start from the center. In the very middle of the poster of desires, you must place your photo. On it you should smile or be joyful. The center is painted in golden or yellow. Inside you can write affirmationsthat are related to your health and beauty.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I love my body.
  • I am enjoying life, I am learning optimism, and at the same time my health is getting stronger.
  • Day by day my organs and systems work better and better.
  • I live in peace and harmony with my body. I love and respect him.
  • Miracles happen in my life every day. I rejoice in them and continue to love and develop myself.

Southern Zone of Glory

The zone of glory is located in the south and corresponds to the red color. Here are all your ambitions and achievements. Anything to do with your identity. Need more fans, more rooms, iTunes top, Shazam top? Olympic medals?

Do you want to win an Oscar for a leading role or become a millionaire blogger? Discover your own uniqueness so that you are known as a master of your craft? Write it here!

Suitable affirmations:

  • I am a magnet for money.
  • I receive 100,000 rubles a month at my job.
  • Cosmic abundance manifests as cash flow in my life.
  • I love to see money coming into my bank account.
  • Money comes to me easily and I feel like I deserve it.

Southwestern sector of Marriage and Love

How to make a wish card with your own hands? There should be a lot of pink and red in this southwest zone. It is best to post your couple photos with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Any attributes of love will do: hearts, cupids, rose quartz and more. You can stick inserts from chewing gum Love is ...

If you are looking for your soulmate, then you should cut out a photo of your favorite actor or musician from a magazine and paste it into a wish card. Let this be a message of that ideal image that you are waiting for.

For those who want to attract love into their lives as soon as possible, we have a special one. And you can read more about it here.

Suitable affirmations:

  • Love enters my life easily and freely. I am learning to accept it with gratitude and dignity.
  • I am the source of love and happiness.
  • My significant other (name) loves me very much. I feel his (her) love every minute.
  • I meet my love, which I need at the moment.
  • I create my own world around me, which is full of love.

East Zone Families

The best background for the eastern zone is dark green. All images that are related to your family should be here. Stick a photo where your whole family is assembled.

Maybe it was some kind of feast or a joint vacation. The main thing is that you all smile. Draw a sketch of your family, which is holding hands together.

Suitable affirmations:

  • My family is the best thing life can give me today.
  • Relations in my family are improving every day. In place of conflicts and disputes comes harmony and love.
  • I love every member of my family. We spend holidays together and every week we gather at a huge table for dinner.
  • All members of my family are always protected by divine power, and therefore I am calm.
  • My young family is getting stronger every day. And we're expecting more soon.

Western Sector of Creativity and Children

There is no limit to the imagination in this zone. After all, a do-it-yourself wish card is very simple. It is better to leave the background white or make it silver. If you are a creative person, then decorate this area in a way that only you can. Or you are painting, then draw something cute and original there.

If you are sewing or knitting, then stick pictures of your tool materials. For singing people, you can put an image of a microphone, notes or musical instruments. If you are an actor, then it would be appropriate to place a stage, a harp or two masks here.

Also this area is responsible for children. A do-it-yourself wish card should reflect your personality. In addition to creative skills, you can put photos of your children here. It is very important that in the photo they are joyful and smiling.

Suitable affirmations:

  • Within me, in my soul, is the source of creativity.
  • I generate brilliant ideas on a global level. I am giving an interview to Yuri Dudyu.
  • And I gradually and actively realize my creative essence. Ivan Urgant notices me and invites me to visit the Evening Urgant program on Channel One.
  • My child finishes first grade with only A's.
  • My child loves me very much, and I love him even more every day.

Northeast sector of Knowledge and Wisdom

The Zone of Knowledge and Wisdom turns brown or dark orange. Before posting something here, think: what kind of knowledge would you like to get? Someone is fond of physics, someone makes chemical experiments, someone is interested in geography, and someone is fond of the occult sciences.

Images of books, globes, secret formulas or signs can be pasted here. Make a list of works that you would like to read or watch and leave it in the wish card. You can read more about it in our article.

Suitable affirmations:

  • I have an intuition that connects me directly to the source of knowledge.
  • There is a source of infinite wisdom and knowledge within me.
  • I make world discoveries in the area (specify the area).
  • I read a lot of books and through them I know myself.
  • Every new day teaches me something.

North Sector Careers

The Feng Shui Career Zone is colored blue. Here you need to have everything that you dream about. If you want to become a colonel, draw shoulder straps.

Or if you want to win some kind of competition, then draw yourself on the pedestal as a winner. If you want to work for Gazprom, stick on the company badge and sign your position.

Do not ask too much at once, otherwise the desires will not come true. Start wishing for a step in your career a little higher than the one you currently stand on. Each time you rise, simply indicate a new position in a new wish card. More about here.

Did you know that Polina Gagarina visualized 2nd place at Eurovision 2015? Just before the competition, she and her husband made a wish card, in which the singer prophesied 2nd place for herself and indicated those countries that would give Russia 12 points. This is exactly what came to life in a short time!

Suitable affirmations:

  • I have many plans and abilities. I have everything to succeed in my (specify what) business.
  • I work for the fashion magazine Cosmopolitan and earn 200,000 rubles a month.
  • Every day brings me new opportunities for my professional growth (indicate the area).
  • I am always in the right place at the right time and do everything on time.
  • I find a job with a convenient schedule for me (specify what) in the company N (specify the name) and earn 500,000 rubles (any other amount) per month.

Northwest Travel and Helper Sector

A gray or silver hue characterizes the Helpers and Journeys zone. If you have any individuals whose support you want to enlist, or idols who inspire you, then feel free to post their image here.

If you have long dreamed of visiting Paris, Prague, Canada or the USA, then rather cut out the image and the main attractions of this country.

When you ride the panoramic wheel in Rome, remember how you glued images of this city into your wish card. You can read more about it in our other article.

Suitable affirmations:

  • There are always a lot of kind and sympathetic people around me who are ready to help me.
  • I dine on lobster at Le Grand Véfour, an authentic restaurant located in France at 17 Rue du Beaujolais, 1st arrondissement.

    Fortunately, a do-it-yourself feng shui wish card is very simple and entertaining. You can make it yourself or include your entire family. Stock up on magazines, scissors, pens, pencils and get creative! And remember that everything you write must be brought to life.

    Thanks for your time

Feng Shui Wish Map - this is a great way to achieve significant results and success in your career, study, love, improve your financial situation, enrich yourself spiritually and fulfill your cherished dreams. How to create such a miracle card on your own, as well as make it bring real results, we will tell you later in this article.

feng shui wish board

It has been said more than once and in more than one doctrine and theory that any of our thoughts tend to materialize, in other words, by thinking, we ourselves create our future, therefore, any thoughts must be taken extremely seriously and responsibly.

Today in the world there are a large number of different techniques aimed at using the subconscious as the main engine to achieve goals. One of the most popular of these is feng shui wish visualization using a specially made card or, as it is also called, a board, a picture, a poster, a table, etc. This card is a bright collage of color photos, pictures and inscriptions that reflect our desires. All of them are placed on a large sheet of paper in a certain order, depending on the meaning and theme of desire.

Such feng shui wish collage helps us clearly articulate our deepest desires and visualize them in real life. By placing such a collage at home, not only directed flows of favorable energies begin to help us, but also our own subconscious mind, which strives for certain, specific goals, and often the achieved results of such a technique exceed all expectations.

feng shui wish list. Where to begin

To make your own feng shui wish painting collect all the old glossy magazines, unnecessary books and brochures, and also arm yourself with scissors, glue and a large sheet of white paper (whatman paper). In addition, for work you will need colored felt-tip pens, printouts with certain important phrases and mottos for you, as well as your photo. In the photo, you must be sure to be a smiling and completely happy person - this is one of the basic feng shui rules for this technique.

Then take a piece of paper, a pen and make a list of your desires, you can even start feng shui wish book. Once it's ready, flip through the stack of magazines and select the appropriate images. It is clear that with dreams of a material nature, it’s easy, if you dream of a chic car, you should find a picture with an image of just such, girls who dream of expensive furs or jewelry need to focus on the corresponding photos, but what about goals of a different nature? For example, you sleep and see how you enter a prestigious university or have been striving to open your own business for a long time, but so far nothing has worked out. In this case, you should select pictures that convey in their content the very action that you are trying to approach with all your might. A photograph of a student (student) is quite suitable for students, and a future businessman can pick up an image of a director's chair or a door with a sign on which his data and position will be indicated.

If you still couldn’t find the desired image of an object or action, try to depict it yourself or replace it with an inscription that you can do by hand, cut it out from the same magazine, newspaper, book, or print it on a printer. It is important that this inscription be in the present tense and already reflect the event that you are dreaming about. For example, one of the items on your wish list is the dream of losing weight, so the printed or written phrase should sound something like this: “I lost weight, I became slim and beautiful.”

I would like to warn you in advance that plots, clippings, pictures, photos for a good board, which provides one hundred percent feng shui wish fulfillment you will have to look for a single day, a hastily made board will not work as well as one that you carefully think over and create ideally with your dreams.

Another important point is that the size of clippings from magazines and images on them must correspond to reality and be adequate in relation to them. So a picture with shoes from a famous designer should not be several times larger than a picture in which the house or car of your dreams is photographed, even if shoes are in the first place for you today. Try to keep the proportion in everything, although it is not easy to do this so that the collage of desires works correctly and does not divide dreams into priority and secondary ones.

When cutting out photos and pictures from magazines, books, etc., be sure to look at the opposite side, there should not be any negativity on it, not in pieces of text, individual words, or images. Also, the clippings must be intact, not wrinkled, torn or scratched, all of which can lead to reverse action.

After the necessary clippings, drawings, inscriptions, pictures, etc. will be assembled, decide on the basis, for it it is better to take a clean large white paper or cardboard, do not use the reverse side of sheets of large wall calendars, various posters, visual material, etc. Gluing several landscape sheets into one large one is also not recommended. If you have not been able to get a large sheet, it is better to map on a small whole than on a large composite, so that nothing can divide your dreams, aspirations and goals into parts.

Feng Shui Wish Map. How to do

Then you need to divide the prepared sheet into sectors, using the Bagua grid for this. Typically, such grids are depicted as a beautiful octagonal figure or an ordinary square divided into nine equal parts.

Get a compass and use it to find the west, make an appropriate mark on the paper, and starting from it, lay the Bagua grid on the base. In the center of the sheet you should have the “Health” sector, you paste your photo into it, for those who did not remember or did not pay attention, we remind you that you should be alone on it in a good mood with a happy, positive smile.

To the right of the center in the west, you should have the "Creativity and Children" sector, if you dream of becoming a singer, actor or writer, place an image of a person of a similar profession there, but if your goal is to replenish the family, fill in this sector with photographs of small children, baby carriages , cribs, etc.

To the left of the center in the eastern part is the “Family” sector, those who only dream of creating it should fill it with clippings of couples in love, newlyweds, etc. It is good for married people to stick here pictures of a large friendly family numbering several generations, such a message will help you create a strong, happy, large family in real life.

From the top left above the “Family” sector in the southeastern part, there is the “Wealth” sector, everyone who dreams of improving their financial condition should paste pictures depicting bundles of banknotes, money rain, a thick purse with banknotes, a large handful of gold coins, jewelry and etc. Monetary feng shui wish zone can also be enhanced with the image of special figurines and symbols that help to gain financial and material wealth, you can learn more about them.

The “Love and Marriage” sector is located above the “Children and Creativity” zone in the southwestern part, those who dream of attracting love to their home need to paste pictures of lovers, kissing couples, closed hands, hot hugs, decorate them with beautiful hearts , cupids, love doves, swans and other love symbols. People who have already found their soul mate can post her photo here, while the rule remains unchanged, the real person shown in the photo should smile and be in a good mood.

The middle part between and "Love and Marriage" is occupied by the sector of the southern direction called "Reputation and Glory", in order to achieve the fulfillment of desires in this area, you need to paste the corresponding pictures there.

Below, under the "Family" zone in the northeast direction, there is another important sector and it is called "Knowledge and Wisdom". It will help you achieve some success in your studies, to activate it, glue a cut-out of a photo of a diploma, certificate, certificate of completion of courses, etc. on paper.

Below the Health sector in the north there is a Career zone, it is easy to guess that it can help you achieve some success at work and ensure career advancement. Attach here the necessary pictures or photos of specific persons whose heights you are striving for.

The last ninth sector, located in the northwest, is called "Helpers and Journeys". Here you can put landscapes of countries and cities that you dream of visiting for a long time. Here you can also attach photos of your patrons, the faces of saints and other deities that, in your opinion, can protect and protect you.

feng shui wish poster should be created only in a good mood and with full faith in its miraculous effect, and for this you should choose an auspicious day.

Try to fill all the spaces of the paper without leaving empty spaces, as they say “A holy place is never empty”, because, in fact, the emptiness in life is always filled with something and it is not always something good, so it is best to control this process, than letting it all go.

It is very important to display your own, innermost dreams in the poster, and not follow fashion or someone else's advice. Also, please note that you should make a poster of desires exclusively for yourself, and not for several people, even if they are all close to each other. Otherwise, the result may be the most unpredictable and not always positive.

Well, if you put specific dates next to each dream and set periods for achieving certain goals, all this will stimulate your subconscious and you, without waiting for it yourself, will start looking for how to implement your plan in each case. Moreover, it is desirable to put down these dates spontaneously, chaotically, without hesitation and without planning anything, in a word, as your intuition tells you.

Be sure to make your own loud and affirmative inscriptions near the glued pictures - “My family”, “My car”, “My work”, “My home”, “My wealth”, etc. This is important, because it may happen that one day you enter the house of your dreams from a magazine clipping, but it will not be yours, but your friends, so it is very important to concretize and appropriate everything only to yourself.

Sacredly believe that everything you have planned will come true, and do not give up if this all does not happen right away, perhaps dreams will begin to come true one by one, and those that are achieved can be replaced on the poster with new clippings. You can also deal with those dreams that, for some reason, are no longer relevant.

If more than half of your plans have been fulfilled, feel free to start creating a new one, but first of all transfer into it what you have not yet been able to achieve, and only then supplement it with new plans and dreams.

Feng Shui Wishing Wall. Where to place

Place the collage poster in the most secluded place of your house, away from prying eyes, because these are your goals, and it is not necessary for outsiders to know about them, but what you need to do is to look at the pictures every day at least once. Moreover, when looking through them, you should not analyze whether you have moved close to what was planned or not, you should be a few steps ahead and already clearly imagine how you possess all this. And here you have to become a real director of your own picture of life, turn on all your imagination and feel your own dreams with your senses in the brightest paint. For example, you dream of a vacation on the sea coast of exotic countries, the sound of the surf, warm sand, light breeze, the smell of marvelous flowers, all this should be clearly presented to you.