Conspiracy when you go to get a job. Using magic to find a good job

A quick job search plot really helps in finding a new job. Someone believes in the power of conspiracies, someone does not, but when looking for work, read conspiracies, and only then draw conclusions.

Conspiracies to find an interesting job

To get hired

Going to get a job, wash yourself off the door bracket and read the words of the magical conspiracy: “Water - from the face, beauty - on the face. To whom I am going, I go in single file, and I will return in king form. The sun is behind me, the threshold is in front of me. And you, chief, be under my foot. As I say, I will say, so in my opinion it will be. Amen".
In this short article, I propose a very strong conspiracy to find a high paying job so that there is no rejection.
Read three times: “I don’t walk, I don’t hurry silently on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor Thursday, nor Friday, nor Saturday. Take the hell out of me. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me. Cross with a cross, business with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A rite of magic to get a job quickly

(option 2)

You need to read when you are on the road, with the employer. Repeat 3 times these words: “I’m going to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If only it were easy and simple to find Good work, people would not hold on to their former place of work, they would not be afraid to be left out of work. But, finding a job is really a problem, not only of a personal nature, but also a social one, and the problem is quite serious. To find a job quickly, you need luck. Luck. Luck. The ability to be in the right place at the right time. For some people, it comes naturally. If you are not one of them, help yourself with magical conspiracies and witchcraft rites.

A strong conspiracy to find a job. They read with bad luck in search and if seminars did not help to get a well-paid job.

Going to get a job, kiss the loaf of bread and say: “Just as from century to century they honor God’s bread, serve and accept it with a bow, so they would gladly accept me, God’s servant (name), for honorable work contracted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen". &one

Watch the video conspiracy to find a job

old and young, first and last,

Help me, God's servant (name),

defend the night

Then follow the call of the double of the person whom the master undertook to treat.

The challenge is made like this: the master reads psalms and a report all night, as well as conspiracies from mortal damage. This is done until dawn, after which the master leaves the cemetery.

To get hired

When my grandmother taught me this prayer, who would have known that it would come in handy for people. Previously, the witches taught this prayer to workers so that they would not be denied work. And now, judging by your bitter stories, it will come in handy.

I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To not be dragged from the workplace

Sheela Ulyana, hemmed Maryana.

The two dawns converged, agreed among themselves: not to take it from its place, not to move it, to protect it from all hands.

Hands would turn to stone, eyes would be glassy,

rustic legs.

Who will take from a slave (name) without asking,

he will not leave Ulyana and Maryana from lightning.


Walking at night (amulet)

There are three stars in the sky, the beast has eyes.

On the sides of the Lord with the Most Holy Theotokos,

with guardian angels

deliverers from all troubles.

How bright from the face of God

verily, so it is easy for me to travel at night.


For an egg (for good luck)

The first egg laid by a hen on Sunday or Easter is broken in an earthenware cup, a wedding ring is thrown into it, and they go around their house. Arriving, they fry the ring together with the egg, the ring is removed, the egg is eaten. Until the egg is eaten, not a word can be spoken to anyone. The year will be rich.

On new scissors (from enemies)

Before Easter, the master takes new scissors from the one for whom he is trying, puts the scissors with sharp ends away from himself and says:

You cut, you cut

everything is paper, rag, nail.

You cut off, you cut off all the bad

from a slave (name). Amen.

Then the scissors are hung on any tree.

Amulet from a thief

Lead, star, the thief past my yard, so that the thief does not see me and does not see my money. Only when the copper castle becomes golden, then my hex will become empty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For the thief to return what he took

As soon as you discover the theft, collect all the knives that are in the house, put them in a basin, pour water, put the basin on the stove. Pour enough water to cover the knives, and read forty times. Pour water out the gate, and for those who live in apartments - out the front door. Do this for three days. Checked: Helps.

Oh, you, damask knives, cut and stab everything, to white bones, to red blood.

Conspiracy to get hired

Read this plot going to the employer, 3 times:
"I'm going to the bar, not young and not old.
I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner.
My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed.
Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words.
He would not drive away the baptized soul.
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God, have mercy on us at every hour.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy not to be kicked out of work

Bring to work from home some water that has been at the foot of your bed for three days. Going to the toilet at work, wash yourself with this water, and at the same time pronounce a conspiracy:

"I've been here, and I'll be here.
I have been here and will continue to go.

If you are going to an appointment on the issue of employment, but there are doubts that you will not be accepted, obey the rule: you should enter the room (office) only with your left foot, clenching your thumb into a fist. While doing so, mentally say:

My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, both obvious and not obvious adversaries.

Deviate from me on all four sides: north, south, east and west. Amen!

Conspiracy to get hired

When you go to work, tie a knot in a thread with the words:

How tightly this knot is tied,

So it would be with the ra6a (s) of God (s) (name),

The case quickly and firmly developed and was hired!

Repeat 3 times and tie 3 knots.

Put the thread on the threshold, close the door, having crossed the threshold (you can’t step on it), and calmly go to find a job! Will definitely accept!

Conspiracy before hiring

If a conversation with an employer is due and you are going to an appointment, read three times before entering the office:

I am a servant (a) of God (I), (name), I ride a wolf, I lead animals for my own.

Stand in front of me (name of the person who is hiring) as I am in front of you

Be deaf, dumb, petrified, and I will say: bastard, 40 words,

as I say, so be it! All rights are mine!

Cross the threshold with your right foot, open the door with your right hand.

Conspiracy before going to get a job

Before you go to get a job, put on an old suit or dress, stand in front of your reflection and say:

I'm going to try my luck!

Yours (point to the reflection in),

and your own (point to yourself with the same finger).

Then remove this old clothes from yourself and put on the one in which you were going to go to find a job. When you leave the house, make a fist with the thumb of your left hand. Unclench it only after you cross the threshold of the place where you came to find a job.

Whisper at employment

Whenever you go to an employer and are not sure whether you will be hired or not, whisper into your left shoulder:

And in this place God is with me!

Repeat the spell 3 or 7 times. After each whisper, you should overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, saying:

God, send me, your servant (e) (your name), good luck! Amen!

After you have been hired, go to church and place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Ritual for successful employment

For this ritual, you will need a mirror: round - for a woman, square - for a man. Look in the house, maybe where it was lying around? If you didn't go - no problem! On any Tuesday at noon, without haggling or taking change, buy from a seller in the market.

Before you go to an appointment with the head of the organization regarding your employment, bring this mirror as close as possible to your lips and say to it:

Mirror, my light, illuminate my path to work now!

I will be forever grateful!


After that, kiss your reflection in the mirror three times and put it in your shirt pocket (a woman can wear a bra) with the reflective side away from you.

Conspiracy before looking for a job

"I'm leaving in the shirt of the Mother of God,
let the vapors of my God overshadow me,
four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they keep me from man and woman,
from lead, from iron, from steel,
no matter how they hurt me,
neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace be to my God!"

"There really is, there is in reality, there is in the word, in God, everywhere!"
Put the paper in your pocket.

Charm for work

With your left hand at noon, pinch off a little birch bark from the birch trunk so that the color predominates, and at sunrise on any day, say it 7 times:

"As ordered so took (a), for good, not for evil."

The amulet should always be at work with you (you can wrap it in a cloth).

A job conspiracy if the interview scares you

Before entering the room, you must say:

"I will come in like a deer, I will roar like a lion, I will sing like a nightingale"

Before starting a conversation, mentally say:

"Honey on my lips, birch bark on my head,

I open your ears, I look into your hearts"

Conspiracy for successful work

Before starting a new job or service in any institution, organization or individual, do this: at sunrise on the first day of work, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north, while saying:

"Let the sun shine, and the winds drive away!
What to illuminate and what to drive away, these forces themselves know!
May it be so!"

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    Conspiracies for getting a job


    A conspiracy to be hired Read this conspiracy going to the employer, 3 times: “I’m going to the bar, not young and old. wondered, the hosts smiled, were touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ ....

Conspiracy to get hired

Read this plot going to the employer, 3 times:
"I'm going to the bar, not young and not old.
I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner.
My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed.
Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words.
He would not drive away the baptized soul.
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God, have mercy on us at every hour.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy not to be kicked out of work

Bring to work from home some water that has been at the foot of your bed for three days. Going to the toilet at work, wash yourself with this water, and at the same time pronounce a conspiracy:
"I've been here, and I'll be here.
I have been here and will continue to go.

If you are going to an appointment on the issue of employment, but there are doubts that you will not be accepted, obey the rule: you should enter the room (office) only with your left foot, clenching your thumb into a fist. While doing so, mentally say:
My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, both obvious and not obvious adversaries.
Deviate from me on all four sides: north, south, east and west. Amen!

Conspiracy to get hired
When you go to work, tie a knot in a thread with the words:
How tightly this knot is tied,
So it would be with the ra6a (s) of God (s) (name),
The case quickly and firmly developed, but they hired me!
Repeat 3 times and tie 3 knots.
Put the thread on the threshold, close the door, having crossed the threshold (you can’t step on it), and calmly go to find a job! Will definitely accept!

Conspiracy before hiring
If a conversation with an employer needs to take place and you are going to an appointment, before you cross the threshold of the office, read three times:
I am a servant (a) of God (I), (name), I ride a wolf, I lead the animals behind me.
Stand in front of me (name of the person who is hiring) as I am in front of you
Be deaf, dumb, petrified, and I will say: bastard, 40 words,
as I say, so be it! All rights are mine!
Cross the threshold with your right foot, open the door with your right hand.

Conspiracy before going to get a job
Before you go to get a job, put on an old suit or stand in front of a mirror and tell your reflection:
I'm going to try my luck!
Yours (point to the reflection in the mirror),
and your own (point to yourself with the same finger).
Then remove this old clothes from yourself and put on the one in which you were going to go to find a job. When you leave the house, make a fist with the thumb of your left hand. Unclench it only after you cross the threshold of the place where you came to find a job.

Whisper at employment
Whenever you go to an employer and are unsure whether you will be hired or not, whisper over your left shoulder:
And in this place God is with me!
Repeat the spell 3 or 7 times. After each whisper, you should overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, saying:
God, send me, your servant (s) (your name), good luck! Amen!
After you have been hired, go to church and place a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Ritual for successful employment
For this ritual, you will need a mirror: round for a woman, square for a man. Look in the house, maybe where it was lying around? If you didn't find it - no problem! On any Tuesday at noon, without haggling or taking change, buy from a seller in the market.
Before you go to an appointment with the head of the organization regarding your employment, bring this mirror as close as possible to your lips and say to it:
Mirror, my light, illuminate my path to work now!
I will be forever grateful!
After that, kiss your reflection in the mirror three times and put it in your shirt pocket (a woman can wear a bra) with the reflective side away from you.

Conspiracy before looking for a job
Before starting a job search, recite "Our fire" 5 times, and then the following incantation:
"I'm leaving in the shirt of the Mother of God,
let the vapors of my God overshadow me,
four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they keep me from man and woman,
from lead, from iron, from steel,
no matter how they hurt me,
neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace be to my God!"
Next, write down the following words on paper:
"There really is, there is in reality, there is in the word, in God, everywhere!"
Put the paper in your pocket.

Charm for work
With your left hand at noon, pinch off a little birch bark from a birch trunk so that white color prevails, and at sunrise of any day, say it 7 times:
"As ordered so took (a), for good, not for evil."
The amulet should always be at work with you (you can wrap it in a cloth).

A conspiracy when applying for a job if the interview scares you.
Before entering the room, you must say:
"I will come in like a deer, I will roar like a lion, I will sing like a nightingale"
Before starting a conversation, mentally say:
"Honey on my lips, birch bark on my head,
I open your ears, I look into your hearts"
Conspiracy for successful work
Before starting a new job or service in any institution, organization or individual, do this: at sunrise on the first day of work, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north, while saying:
"Let the sun shine, and the winds drive away!
What to illuminate and what to drive away, these forces themselves know!
May it be so!"