Closing the portal with the help of mirrors. How to determine that a portal to another dimension has opened in the house? What is the danger of such portals? A portal to the world of the dead is open how to close

You have probably heard about such a children's game, or maybe you have played it yourself. You need to go into the bathroom, close the door, turn off the light and, spinning in place, say three times: "Bloody Mary." When you look in the mirror afterwards, there will be a Bloody Mary covered in blood dripping from her knife. Isn't it a great way to scare a child half to death? Mirrors have always been considered a mysterious object associated with the spirit world. They are said to ward off ghosts, act as a portal, and have many more unusual properties.

I know for certain that spirits can appear in mirrors because I have seen it myself. One day I was blow-drying my hair (I had very long hair at the time) and tilted my head back to make it more comfortable. When I straightened up, I saw the reflection of a blond-haired girl of about ten years old standing in the doorway, and heard the words: “Everything will be fine, but you need to prepare for changes.” I immediately looked at the door, but there was no one there. I went to the rooms to see what my children were doing, and there was no one visiting them. That girl just disappeared. But what she said turned out to be true: over the next few weeks, everything turned upside down, and our lives changed. Those events ended well, as promised.

Connect with your spiritual nature through the mirror

I propose to use the mirror as a portal to make intuitive contact with your soul. In this exercise, you will attune to your true self and be able to determine what abilities you have and how best to use them. A mirror is suitable for this, in front of which there is no washbasin - you need to be able to stand close to the mirror and not bend over. Pick a spot, protect yourself with white light visualization, stand in front of a mirror and look into your eyes. Clear your mind, find your center and ground yourself. Then spread the fingers of your right hand. Take turns pressing your fingertips against the mirror. With each touch, imagine that the finger opens a portal that connects you to the other world, to your true spiritual essence, and communicate any one intention to each finger.

Intentions can be formulated something like this: “Show me the best way to reveal my psychic abilities”, “I want to see the path destined for me”, “I am afraid of my abilities; show me how to get rid of this fear.” If you want to work on one topic, repeat the same intention each time you touch the mirror with your finger. Now intuitively look into your spiritual essence.

It may take a few minutes for the connection to be established, but once it is there, you will be at your purest and most basic level within yourself. Listen carefully to the messages from your higher self and all spiritual beings who come to help you. Mentally close the portal in the mirror.

Each house has an individual energy that can protect residents from negativity. However, dangers associated with the presence of otherworldly forces may lurk in the house.

Signs of the presence of otherworldly forces in the house

1. You begin to notice the presence of foreign objects, things, shadows in your home. You can see out of the corner of your eye an indistinct dark spot moving in space, notice the distortion of the reflection in the mirror. If you have witnessed strange movements, glow and other manifestations more than once, it means that some energy substances have chosen your house.

2. Frequent mood swings, which you did not notice before either for yourself or for your household, also indicate the presence of alien energy. Usually these are unconscious fears, fear, apathy. This sign does not always indicate otherworldly residents, but it makes you think that not everything is in order with your home. Perhaps this is how negative energy manifests itself, accumulated in large quantities.

3. Many have noted that they feel chilling touches that cannot be seen. It also happens that a person feels as if someone touched him with the edge of his clothes, with his hand, feels breath on his skin. These indescribable feelings speak directly to the settlers in your home.

4. Active and energetically strong otherworldly entities are able to move objects. If in your house at night you hear the noise of opening doors, the clinking of dishes and other sounds that are not related to the real actions of the household, then your house is definitely in the power of entities. For example, it can specifically move and even hide objects in order to lead you to the necessary conclusion. This may be a warning of danger or an expression of dissatisfaction with your actions. If objects move before your eyes, it means that the poltergeist needs to tell or convey something to you. It is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of him until he can convey his thoughts and feelings to you.

5. Temperature changes at home indicate an otherworldly presence, if you feel a sharp cold snap, chills, "goosebumps". Cold is not associated with the season and drafts. You may feel a rush of icy air in a warm room with the doors closed and the cooling devices turned off. Hostile entities often contribute to a sharp increase in temperature, and then you will experience a fever, you may be thrown into a sweat.

6. Often, otherworldly forces can manifest themselves with sound. Most often, a person begins to hear other people's voices in an absolutely empty room, whispers, laughter, steps and creaking floors. If you go to the source of the noise, you can find the entity that decided to manifest itself in this way.

7. Entities most often manifest themselves at night. While sleeping, you may feel heavy, difficult to breathe, and short of breath. If the lack of oxygen occurs during the daytime, then most likely there is a restless soul in your house. In this case, you should resort to the services of a priest who will help her find peace.

8. A person who is faced with the presence of otherworldly forces, catches himself thinking that he is being monitored. Most often, this is an obsessive sensation of looking in the back. Some people are able to see and feel more than others. Try to examine the space around you: perhaps you will see what causes you this unpleasant feeling of someone else's heavy gaze.

9. A common occurrence in the presence of otherworldly energy in the house are strange dreams about people and events that have nothing to do with you. Many noted that they saw people who tried to communicate or tell something, showed strange objects or showed aggression. Often, after looking through old family albums, they found an ancestor who vaguely resembled a person who came to them in dreams.

10. Smells are a sure sign of an alien presence. They can be anything, but most often they are unpleasant and cause negative emotions. If neither you nor your neighbors are the source of such "aromas", then your house is attacked by entities. Aggressive perfumes most often "bring" with them the smells of decay, dampness and mold.

To protect yourself and your home, use proven amulets and amulets and do not forget about cleaning the house with a candle and holy water. Your Higher Power will help you remove unwanted presence and restore peace and tranquility. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

People with superpowers very often have such a problem as an open portal to the World of the Dead. And this is the result of previous incarnations, especially for those who lived in Ancient Egypt and owned that Great Magic, where the boundaries between the Worlds were erased.

How does an open portal to the World of the Dead interfere with a psychic?

Any person has a blocked memory of past incarnations, and a psychic is no exception. Of course, with the help of diving into the deep, you can find out some information, but these are just fragments of the past that do not give a general picture, and this is not enough.

If any catastrophe happens on planet Earth (especially with the innocently killed), so the souls of the departed begin to come in droves to the psychic and talk about the causes of misfortune, transmit messages to the living ... And the heart bleeds, looking at all this! So much pain and tears!

Not every psychic has the psyche to withstand such a load. And also the vital energy flows out of a person into That World.

Sometimes relatives of a murdered person rely on the superpowers of a psychic, trying to find out the cause of death, and here the surest way to find out the truth is to ask the murdered person himself, his Soul. And for this you need to get in touch with the victim.

In this case, difficulties of a different nature may arise. It is not possible to establish contact when the portal¹ is closed.

The portal to the World of the Dead² "lives" at its own rhythm and decides when it opens and when it closes. Or is it decided by the souls of the dead. At the same time, no one asks for the consent of a psychic!

And it's very sad...

Therefore, we take under personal control the opening and closing of the portal to the World of the Dead!

First you need to determine where in your aura³ this "tunnel" is located. Usually, it happens on the left side, but it happens otherwise. If the portal is in front, then this is the worst option! The future of a person is blocked, or rather, the future becomes obvious - this is an imminent departure There.

Therefore, by an effort of will and work of thought, it is necessary to move this portal and place it on the left. This will take some time, but you must patiently and methodically do this every day until the portal is clearly on the left!

If necessary, you can directly “move” the portal in the right direction with your hands. At the same time, ask the Higher Powers for help and thank them when it works out.

You can work with the portal to the World of the Dead only when it is on the left!

The World of the Living and the World of the Dead are different in their density. And the portal does not have clear boundaries, it is vague. Energies need to be densified to form a door.

First, we form a doorway (i.e., being in the World of the Living, you condense the vibrations of this World into a clear shape of a doorway). Then we form door hinges, and on them we hang a door with a lock and a door handle.

The lock must be of such a type that it can only be opened by a key and only from your side.

You can make any door you like! Whether wooden or gold! The main thing is that it is strong and reliable!

The door remains ajar!

Now let's ask the Higher Forces (God, the Guardian Angel) to give us the key to close and open this door, and keep this passage under personal control. We just say, “Lord! Give me the key to close and open this door to the Other World when I need it, and keep this passage under personal control!”

To do this, we stretch our right hand in front of us with the palm up so that the key lies exactly on the right palm. The key can be anything - it is individual. It may be the Golden Key from a fairy tale, or it may look like a bent wire - it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that it is only yours!

Remember! Globally, you will not affect the World of the Dead, as well as this World. But you will gain personal control over your connection to the World of the Dead. You will establish good neighborly relations in which communication will take place only with mutual consent!

If the Higher Powers give you the key, great! You are a worthy magician who has been entrusted with high order control! Be sure to give thanks for this honor!

Hold the key in your right hand! Do not let the key out of your right hand at all!

Now let's close the door with the key with the right hand. Take the key out of the keyhole. Use your left hand to pull the handle of the closed door to make sure it is closed. And now again we will open the door with the key with the right hand. Let's take out the key from the keyhole (the key remains all the time in the right hand!). Open the door with the left hand.

It is not necessary to open the door completely! Everything opens - very good! And again we will close the door with the key with the right hand. Take the key out of the keyhole. With the left hand, check if it is well locked.

How to store the key?

Remember, when we were little, our parents attached mittens to a fur coat with an elastic band (the Soviet version). When you pull the mitten, the elastic stretches, release it, and the elastic immediately pulls the mitten right into the sleeve.

The key must be stored according to the same principle. We imagine that the key lies on the right palm. From the right hand, we begin to “grow” the rubber band. Somewhere inside, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow bend or higher (as you like), we create an energy elastic band. The flagellum grows, becomes longer and emerges directly from the center of the palm. Now you need to attach the key to this harness - you can tie it “weld by welding”, you can simply splice them.

How to get and hide the key?

The tourniquet (at your command) pulls the key straight into your hand and places it above your wrist inside your right hand. Then we give the command to get the key - and the key comes out of the hand directly onto the palm. Again the command to hide the key - and the tourniquet draws the key into the hand. This is how we work!


Never, under any circumstances, let the key out of your hand!!! If you inadvertently leave the key in the keyhole, it can be stolen by entities of a subtle plane⁴, despite the rubber band attached! And then no one can help you!

When you ask the Higher Powers for this key, you take full responsibility for it! And if you lose it, it's your own fault! Therefore, it is very important to bring the principle of working with the key to automaticity: I took out the key - opened the lock - hid the key - opened the door - did what I needed - closed the door - took out the key and closed the lock - hid the key. Now you can live in peace!

I wish you good luck and success!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ A portal in science fiction and fantasy is a technological or magical opening that connects two distant locations separated by space and time (Wikipedia).

² The underworld is the world to which people go after death, the abode of the dead or their souls (Wikipedia).

⁴ The astral plane is a concept in occultism, esotericism, philosophy, in the experience of lucid dreams, denoting a volume (layer) of the universe (nature) different from the material (

Unfortunately, the essence in the house is quite common, despite its non-standard nature. Before starting a fight against this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence.

And the reasons for the appearance of an entity in an apartment or in a private house can lie not only in external negative factors, but also in the owners themselves. Often these phenomena, unknown to the real world, appear due to a purely negative aura in the house, the cause of which may be too much envy, a thirst for revenge, curses, or unreasonable anger. It turns out that due to too strong concentration of negative energy, a kind of portal with the other world is formed. Often the reason why an entity may appear in an apartment lies in the previous owners. When buying an apartment, it is better to find out in advance whether there was a murder there (for example, on domestic grounds), whether one of the relatives recently died a tragic death, etc. If this is not possible, then it is better to play it safe right away and invite the priest before entering, so that he read prayers and devote all corners of the dwelling with holy water.

Many who do not know what an entity is in an apartment can live with it in the closest neighborhood for years and not even suspect it. This comes from the fact that most people take for the essence of fabulous creatures such as a brownie, which must necessarily appear somewhere. And since a little grubby little peasant with a shaggy beard does not appear anywhere, then you can be calm. It's a delusion. Often the essence is some unknown energy, not necessarily dark, sometimes it can materialize. This happens not by reincarnation into some specific visually viewed image, but by the opportunity to do something in the real real world (when the known and the unknown are intertwined at a single point).

Therefore, you need to pay very close attention to the following phenomena: extraneous uncharacteristic noises (especially at night), dishes breaking for no reason, pouring water when the tap was closed in the evening, rearranging some things, etc. If such moments were recorded repeatedly, then you need to urgently sound the alarm - something is wrong in the house. At the same time, it is desirable to avoid sessions with various dubious sorceresses, grandmother-witnesses or something else. worse than people involved in black magic. It is better to go to church (and more than once), talk with the priest, take communion, bring holy water and sprinkle the whole room with it. Among other things, there are a number of special prayers that help to quickly and effectively align the general aura and atmosphere in a house or apartment, and clean it up. After that, the entity in such an environment simply has nothing to do, since the negative is often its energy and power source, the portal closes. As an option, you can try to use some conspiracies that cleanse herbs and rituals. The ritual with candles is very good, as it is known that in a house where a fire burns at night there is no place for strangers. In this case, it is necessary to use candles of different colors (from white to black), since each color carries a certain charge, message.

You should not go to extremes: from letting everything take its course, to panic attacks from the awareness of the presence of extraneous forces. Moreover, the “simple” measures listed above are more than enough.

The world around us, according to esotericists, is far from the only one of all existing worlds.

In addition to the world familiar to us, there are worlds of other dimensions, life in which can turn out to be both very similar to ours and completely different from our world. People endowed with paranormal abilities are able to penetrate other people's worlds. But the entities living in other dimensions can also penetrate our familiar world.

If you recall the ancient legends, you will find many references to unusual creatures in them - elves, dragons, demons, ghosts. Sometimes passages to other worlds open in very unexpected places. A similar portal can arise even in an ordinary apartment.

How to recognize the opened portal to another world?

The opened portal affects the energy of the surrounding space

Therefore, it is worth listening to your own feelings. These can be unexpectedly rolling waves of cold, causing chills and anxiety, various unusual sounds are heard, the appearance of vague shadows.

Pets, especially cats, react to the appearance of someone else's energy through the portal

They avoid entering the passage zone, show fear, the pupils of the animal's eyes dilate.

You can determine the place of passage using dowsing frames

In the portal area, the frames will begin to rotate, in other areas they will be in a parallel position.

What is the danger of passages from other dimensions?

Not knowing what awaits us behind the portal to an alien world, such passages should be treated with extreme caution.

The passage is dangerous not only because of the penetration of harmful entities through it, which can not only scare, but also settle into a person's aura, drawing on his energy and harming him in every possible way.

Through portals to another world, the positive energy we need so much flows out, giving way to everything negative and bringing misfortune to a person. Therefore, open portals should be closed as soon as possible, and the house should be cleaned after they are closed.

How to close the portal using a mirror?

For the ceremony, two mirrors are used. They are placed so that an endless passage is visible between the mirrors. Mirrors should be covered with cloth.

  • After sunset, the cloth is dropped from the mirrors and all the light is extinguished.
  • Become should be so as not to be reflected in this corridor. They look in the mirror with peripheral vision, avoiding looking directly into the mirror corridor.
  • Having opened the mirrors, they read the text of the conspiracy seven times:

“I will lay seven crosses of protection on myself, my family and home - the hearth. From the Holy Spirit; from our Lord; from his son Jesus; from the Great Mother of God, who gave her life immaculately; from his Guardian Angel, relentlessly following me; from dusk to dawn I lay a cross; from earth to heaven.
Crosses closed all entrances from the unclean, hid us from the evil one. I will put seven locks on the house, I will close it from trouble, the protective forces of the ladies for our peace and comfort.
The first castle from trouble; the second - from the misfortune of poverty and homelessness; the third - from tears shed bitter; the fourth - from the theft of the black; fifth - from poverty; with the sixth lock I will close from diseases; seventh, I will close the whole space. I unite the locks, I entrust the key to God alone. Higher powers protect us, drive out injustice. I believe in justice, in good thoughts, I open my soul. Amen".

  • After each reading of the spoken text, the mirrors are overshadowed with a cross.

After completing the ceremony, the mirrors are removed and washed with consecrated water.