Horoscope for February Aries male.

The month starts on a positive note. The planet of love Venus is located in the house of friendship of Aries until February 11, 2018, promising the revival of friendly ties. You are full of desire to give love to others. This position of the planet will most likely not affect your relationship with your loved one, but you will definitely reach a different, higher level of spiritual intimacy. If you are single, you may suddenly realize that your relationship with one of your friends has the potential to develop into a love affair in the future.

After February 11, when Venus moves into the mysterious twelfth house of Aries, self-doubt may arise. Ambiguous situations in love are not excluded, or the beloved will hide something. You also have something to keep secret. The best thing to do is not to share your secrets so that other people do not interfere in your relationship. Some of you will have a desire to break up with your partner, but the stars advise not to make final decisions, because not all circumstances are clear right now.

The solar eclipse on February 15, 2018 will take place in the house of friendship of Aries; its influence opens up new prospects when it comes to social and friendly connections. Perhaps you will be active in social activities, join a group or join a club of interests. By going beyond your personal circle, you will expand your horizons, which will have a positive impact on your personal relationships.

Aries career and finance horoscope for February 2018

The first and second decades of February 2018 are expected to be an active time; you have high potential for success in work and career. Cooperation and business contacts will require a lot of attention. By interacting with others, you will achieve more than if you worked alone.

Until February 19, 2018, the Sun and Mercury are in the eleventh house of Aries, associated with social activities and team work. This is a productive period for all representatives of your sign, but especially for those who work on IT projects, do calculations and analytics, conduct negotiations, and speak in public.

In the last days of the month, tense planetary combinations take place, so caution is necessary. At this time, planets in the twelfth house of Aries form a negative aspect with Mars, the celestial patron of your sign. Errors are likely due to inattention or due to inappropriate ardor. Ill-wishers who previously did not dare to act against you may become more active. It is not recommended to take important steps at this time, and, if possible, transfer important tasks to other days.

You should also be careful in financial matters. If you are tempted to participate in a financial adventure, it is better to stop yourself, because the results are unlikely to be in your favor. The smartest thing to do is to live within your own means and not risk money.


In the first two decades of the month, no serious health problems are expected, but the subsequent period is not so favorable. The sun is hiding in the shadow of the twilight twelfth house, so many of you will feel a lack of energy. The body's ability to resist diseases decreases, and you need to take care of your health. It is not necessary to consult a doctor about illnesses; you can undergo a diagnosis, a medical examination, start using a diet, or take a course of wellness treatments.

Don't make rash promises! It may turn out that you will not be able to complete them.

You will definitely meet your soulmate if you are determined to start a serious relationship in February 2018. Don’t even doubt it, the prince has already jumped on his horse and is rushing to your first date. Go out for walks with friends more often and your chosen one will surely appear before you in all his glory. A faithful horse will be nearby and will effectively complement his image. Married couples will passionately celebrate February 14, and then get bogged down in everyday affairs and problems. The main thing is don’t swear over trifles, it’s not worth it.

Impulsive Aries are ready to throw out all their negativity on their partner, but then they are unlikely to apologize for their rash act. The other half will be extremely disappointed if such concerts happen again. It's better to channel your energy in the right direction. Creative units should be patient just to become a tiny part of the world of exciting hobbies. You can safely sign up for courses in bartending, cutting and sewing, and learn all the secrets and mysteries of culinary art. Move forward with confidence and discover many interesting things for yourself. Don’t forget to take care of your health, a new outbreak of colds is expected in February 2018 and it’s better to go in for sports.

Love horoscope for February 2018 Aries

Cupid is already in a hurry to please you. He has selected several worthy candidates and offers to conduct a casting for you to decide on your favorite. This is such an unexpected turn of events and you should take a closer look at each representative of the stronger sex who surrounds you. The prince is nearby, but for some reason you didn’t notice him. He is ready even for your sake to perform feats that are certainly worth appreciating. Haven't you gone on a date in a while? A walk filled with passion awaits you; your chosen one will present a pleasant surprise and open his heart to you. With such a man you can forget about everything in the world, the main thing is that these emotions do not turn your head. Try to control yourself and not throw yourself on his neck.

Financial horoscope for February 2018 Aries

Representatives of this fire sign are impulsive and unpredictable. Do you want everything at once? The opportunity to get what you want is there, you just need to put in a little effort and everything will definitely work out. In your career, you will face a lot of difficulties that will definitely need to be overcome. Working with documents and important papers will allow you to concentrate and not miss anything important. Be prepared for your boss to call you on the carpet and give you a full scolding. You made funny mistakes in your monthly report, and if you don’t change it urgently, you won’t get a bonus. Don’t rush to write your resignation letter; you are unlikely to find your dream job the very next day. You should calm down and simply redo the papers, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. Aries know how to use their charm, so you can always ask your work colleagues for help. They will come to the rescue, and you will have time to submit everything on time. It is not recommended to invest money in real estate in February 2018; the transaction may cause financial losses.

An unfavorable day for negotiating with partners is the new moon, February 16th. The beginning of the year promises additional income. The Yellow Dog is ready to give you some money, but only if you work on yourself every day. Forget about easy money, this only happens in fairy tales. Get ready to work every day and earn decent money. Every work must be paid according to its merits, remember this when you plunge headlong into a new adventure.

Try to keep your mouth shut; it’s not always a good idea to express your opinion in front of a large number of people, especially at work. The walls have “ears” and the boss will know about your trick before you even reach your office. Who knows, maybe you won’t even have to write a statement - you’ll be fired without saying anything. February has prepared a lot of surprises and financial opportunities; all that remains is to take a step towards your dream and try to bring all your plans to life.

Health horoscope for February 2018 Aries

To maintain a healthy psyche, you will have to collect your thoughts. It wouldn't hurt to visit a therapist if you've become irritable and nervous lately. The doctor will put everything into perspective and definitely won’t call you hysterical. A few clever words in the medical card will be enough, and the diagnosis is ready.

Try to react more calmly to everything that happens around you, otherwise you can drive yourself into a corner. Physical and moral stress should be rationally distributed. The stars advise to tone up all muscle groups; it wouldn’t hurt to visit a beauty salon for an emotional charge of energy and vigor. A new hair color, hairstyle and manicure will add self-confidence and you can safely go out and defeat all men. Yoga will help you get rid of negative energy, and fitness will help you get rid of excess weight. Remember, it is very important to strengthen both the body and the soul. Protect yourself from colds throughout the year; insidious viruses will break into your life again and again. Craving something spicy and salty? This is the thyroid gland saying hello to you, so don’t waste precious moments - go to the doctor. On weekends, it is advisable to go to the pool or sauna to just relax and forget about all your problems and worries.

Food should be healthy, try to exclude spicy, sweet and fried foods from your diet. More vegetables and fruits, which should be at least 70% in the diet. The refrigerator should always have fresh herbs and still drinking water. Even in the winter month, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. As soon as you put your diet in order, you will notice a lot of positive changes for yourself: a lot of energy will appear and you can spend it on something useful. Have you always dreamed of boxing or learning to ride a horse? Nothing is impossible, remember this.

Read the horoscope for February 2018 for other zodiac signs:

February for Aries time of harmony. Last year's fever brought many Aries out of their state of mental balance, and now the time has finally come to rest. This doesn't mean you'll need a vacation. Just stop taking on a lot of responsibilities at work, focus exclusively on your official duties, especially since this period does not promise you any additional earnings. And, if you perform only your duties in the work team, then free time will appear on its own.

You will enjoy spending this time at home with your family. Hot tea, intimate conversation and warm children's hugs are exactly what you need right now. Moreover, this is exactly what your loved ones really need. Some unspoken questions and omissions have already arisen between you, and now is the time to correct this situation, otherwise it threatens to turn into a series of conflicts that can spoil the nerves of both parties.

For Aries, family and successful relationships in it are very important; a reliable home front stimulates Aries to new achievements and good financial results.

The financial situation of Aries is stable, but no unexpected earnings, bonuses or bonuses are expected. Therefore, all efforts to achieve this will be in vain. This is precisely where the influence of Mercury is expressed - it won’t get worse, but you won’t tear the stars from the sky.

Your influence on other people has some kind of magical effect. At this time, you can find supporters with whom you can later implement the most risky ideas.

A very good time to start renovations in your own home. However, before starting it, you need to thoroughly assess your financial capabilities, otherwise, if your own finances are not enough, the repairs may drag on for many months.

Aries love relationships in February 2020

February is very favorable for marriage. And, if you have been putting off this decision, now is the best time to implement it. A marriage concluded during this period will become a long-term and successful union. This is especially true for those couples in which Aries plays the role of leader. But his soul mate will always be comfortable with Aries, because he is generous, has a broad nature, and is wise.

February can play a bad joke only with Aries born under the influence of the Sun (April 1-11). The stars say that they may be subject to outbursts of rage, aggression and irritability, which can have a very adverse effect on family relationships and in the relationships of couples who are not legally married. Hold your emotions, you will really regret the words thrown in the heat of the moment.

For Aries women favorable period for vacation, and, no matter where you spend it - at an exotic resort, in a country house or in your city apartment, your vacation will bring a lot of positive emotions, you can really relax and gain health. Remember your long-forgotten hobbies. Aries have a magnificent innate sense of beauty. In addition, Aries can engage in creative work, the process of which is painstaking and time-consuming - bead embroidery, knitting, clay sculpting, making handmade toys. The creative process will give impetus to its use for commercial purposes. Works made by your own hands have a chance of good sales in the future; you just need to make a little effort: advertise among your friends or in a city group on social networks.

Relationships with children continue to be the best for Aries. Great parents, such as Aries, have children whose upbringing, successes, failures and achievements are under every second control. But this control is unobtrusive, because Aries prefer to build relationships with children as older friends in the process of upbringing. Children trust their Aries parents, tell them about their secrets, moreover, the children’s friends do this too. Therefore, the Aries parent is always aware of what is happening with his child, which very often allows him to avoid problems.

Elderly relatives can cause trouble and worry for Aries at the beginning of the month. Don’t ignore their problems, because you are the last resort to whom they turn and no one can help them except you. Aries, born under the influence of Mars (March 21-31), experience some indifference and detachment from relatives who do not live in the same territory with them, or communication with whom loses intensity. Very often family ties with elderly parents weaken. Just because they are not in close proximity, the need for your love does not disappear. Try not to destroy the closeness that should remain between you. This is very important for your parents.

Horoscope for February 2020 for little Aries

Little Aries will force their parents to surround themselves with care and guardianship by all means. Be sure to let little Aries feel that he is loved, but you should not indulge all his whims, otherwise he will very easily turn into a little despot and tyrant. Try, if necessary, to refuse the child gently, but always with reason.

The health of Aries is not a cause for concern, although Aries does not make any effort to maintain his naturally good health. The biggest disappointments in February are colds, sore throats, and acute respiratory infections. Try to avoid prolonged exposure to the street, hypothermia and drafts. Pay special attention to winter shoes. Choose warm shoes, but made from natural materials. Cold and wet feet are the main cause of colds.

If in February you began to worry about any of the symptoms of chronic diseases, put everything aside and finally visit a doctor. Aries is characterized by an extremely careless attitude towards their health, but now, when your immunity is weakened by the seasonal factor, the disease can manifest itself with renewed vigor, which threatens hospitalization and long-term failure.

February promises to be favorable.
A good time to get married.
Horoscope for Aries for March 2020.

Horoscope for Aries for the month of February: something will happen in February 2018 for Aries... They should tune in to something, and wait for something. And what - the Horoscope.Guru will tell you!

Horoscope for Aries for the month of February - do not try to embrace the immensity

Aries in February will be very passionate about his lofty ideas - why not get other people involved too? There is no need to follow anyone - on the contrary, lead others! And don't take unnecessary risks. Then ideas can be realized quite successfully! But don’t be too active, since any mistake, even the smallest one, can easily destroy everything. There is no need to try to embrace the immensity - do what you really can do!

He will spend quite a lot of time traveling in February, as well as doing things that he has long dreamed of. And it is on the road that he will find enough recognition and understanding! There may also be trials, people who “hold a stone in their bosom.” But there will be enough of those who support Aries to help him, if anything happens. Important wishes may come true, and there may be advances from fate - gifts that will then have to be worked off with diligence!

Aries, who were born from April 14 to 17, will be luckier in February than other Aries - the solar eclipse in February will greatly affect them. And all Aries should remember that family, parents, relatives in general will be able to support them very well! And for creative Aries, the second half of the month will be the most successful. During this period, intuition sharpens significantly!

Horoscope for Aries for the month of February – favorable days

Favorable days for representatives of the Aries sign in February are the seventh, tenth, twelfth, seventeenth-eighteenth, and twenty-sixth. Not the most successful are the fourth, eighth-ninth, eleventh, fourteenth-fifteenth (that is, Valentine's Day, alas, will not be the most joyful either), twenty-second-twenty-third of February.

But a certain decline may appear in the relationship: it may seem that your partner is significantly cooling towards you. Actually no, he just has a lot of pressing matters to deal with. If you are single, then it will be significant that it’s time to start a family! If you already have a family, unfortunately, problems with children are expected, which will require significant expenses...

As the horoscope for 2019 predicts, the Aries woman will have the opportunity to have a great time during this period. She will be able to travel, single women can have affairs. Not all of them imply strong and long-lasting relationships, but they will not leave anyone indifferent. It is in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig that women will become the most attractive and charming. The inner desire to look beautiful, to be in love and to be loved will increase the chances of finding a worthy choice among men. Career growth is possible. Today's representatives of the weaker sex may well compete with the stronger sex in their ability to manage.

So a woman will be able to work very well as a boss. At the same time, do not forget about intuition. If something is disturbing you from within, it seems that deception is taking place, then it is better to listen to your inner voice and not make a possible mistake. Health problems may arise. Headaches, infections, and heart diseases are at the top of this list. Exercises, walks in the fresh air, and light physical labor, such as cleaning the house, are good preventative measures. See general information on our website.

Characteristics of the month

The last month of winter is, of course, not the time when you can take an evening walk with a friend through a snowy city, but on the other hand, this is a wonderful time, it inspires optimism and puts people in a special mood, makes them think about the near future, that near future in which there will be warm days , and we will undress, go out into the street and will be happy to greet each other, make new acquaintances and relationships with the opposite sex. You can be sure that the coming February will delight single representatives of the Aries sign with its opportunities, in which they will have the opportunity to meet someone of the opposite sex and if the initiative comes from them. Such a moment is possible somewhere in the middle of the month and probably on one of the holidays of this month, on Valentine's Day or at the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday party.

Favorable periods

The horoscope for the Aries woman for 2019 is generally quite stable. Favorable and unfavorable periods weigh each other. At the beginning of the year there will be more romantic proposals from men, relationships, affairs. There will be an opportunity to travel, see the world, see famous sights of different cities around the world. This is best done during vacation. You can go on vacation at any time of the year, you just need to organize the work process correctly. In terms of finances, for representatives of the fair sex born under the sign of Aries, everything should be stable and good at the same time all year round.

Aries woman February 2019 horoscope

What a woman of the Aries sign must give up in winter February 2019, as in any other, is her desire to teach everyone around her how to behave correctly, what they should or should not do. You urgently need to change yourself in terms of defending the interests of the whole world, think about yourself, and not about everything and everyone, it will be more useful for you. For a single woman of the Aries sign who is looking for the man of her dreams, the astrological forecast and love horoscope for February 2019 indicate that this lady will have several favorable opportunities to achieve her goal. It is important for you and you should always remember this - on the first dates, be a gentle and feminine bride, and not an energetic lady with a loud voice defending the rights of people. It is well known that according to research, the woman of the Aries sign was first in the ranking of those spouses who are most suitable for marriage. It is this lady, if she falls in love with some man and can create all the conditions for a successful marriage in which everyone will be happy, from her husband to all their children, as well as her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But this is the trouble with this lady - she has great difficulty making acquaintances, and she doesn’t really know how to choose the right man, and all because she doesn’t understand them well. Perhaps she should turn to the help of a horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs and figure out this issue, and then purposefully look for exactly what suits her best - this is the advice. In general, if we sum it up taking into account the astrological forecast, the beginning of the last month of winter does not inspire optimism, this is not a very promising period for these ladies, but the two main holidays of February are exactly the time when they can count on increased, special attention to their person from the opposite sign, especially if these women properly prepare themselves for them.

Unfavorable periods

Unfavorable periods are mainly associated with the health status of women. During the period from April 2019, Aries women may experience general malaise, the risk of “catching” some kind of infection increases, problems with the cardiovascular system may appear, and blood pressure will be unstable. In the fall, you will experience frequent headaches and migraines. Those who have suffered from this disease for a long time will experience an exacerbation. Constant prevention, taking care of your own health and the help of a doctor if necessary will help you cope with all this.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Aries women

February 1-9 will be a time of big changes for many, as indicated by the aspect of the planets to your sign. Don't be afraid of uncertainty, trust fate and boldly move forward. You may have to give up something significant, some habits, and even break off relationships with someone close to you. But new life cannot be born otherwise, and your losses will certainly be compensated. On the 10th-16th, with a tense aspect to your planetary sign, you may experience discomfort when communicating with a relative who will be clearly out of sorts these days. Do not tolerate his attacks, but do not show retaliatory aggression. Keep communication to a minimum: talking now won’t achieve anything anyway. On February 17 and 18, spend time with friends. You will certainly be satisfied with the meeting that will take place at your home - invite your guests! The final week of the month is a great time for unplanned purchases.

Women's horoscope for February 2019 for the zodiac sign Aries

At the beginning of February 2019, the Aries woman will experience numerous changes in her life. Just don't panic if some of them seem unexpected to you. Fate will not leave you without support! Alas, some of your loved ones will have to say goodbye, but this is for the better. Especially if the relationship has reached a dead end. Giving up your own principles will be beneficial, as the horoscope for February 2019 promises for Aries. In mid-February, an Aries woman may have conflicts with relatives.

One of them will provoke you into a quarrel, be more restrained in your emotions. The main thing is not to be like his behavior and do not get personal. If the opportunity arises, then the best thing is not to communicate with him at all this month. The horoscope for February 2019 advises an Aries woman to meet with her friends more often. And you don’t have to be too frank about your personal life, just have fun, laugh and dance if you go to a disco. By the way, a great month for desired acquisitions and wardrobe updates.