Why dream about the death of a child who is alive. Why do you dream about the death of someone else's child?

The death of one’s child in a dream is most often interpreted in the reverse order - he will live a long time, recover, and finally grow up. The dream book will tell you why this particular terrible plot is dreamed of.

How to interpret?

It has been noticed that the mother-child relationship in dreams has atypical symbolism. Traditionally, inversion works in such dreams, thanks to which the most terrible plots guarantee mostly good events in reality.

The death of one’s child in a dream most often warns of global changes that rarely concern the end of life’s journey.

But the dream book states: if a child suddenly disappeared and was never found again, fell into a well, got lost in a forest or a labyrinth, then this means that in reality something irreparable will really happen to him.

General transcript

Did you dream that a child was dying? In reality, a stable financial situation will be shaken, and well-being will be replaced by disappointment and anxiety.

If your own child dies in a dream, then in reality you will have a strong fight with him. This same plot literally screams: the business to which you have devoted yourself wholeheartedly is ready to fall apart. A stillborn baby in the night is a symbol of obviously unfulfilled desires.

The dream book reminds: a child in dreams is identified with the dreamer himself. Therefore, his death indicates spiritual degradation, the influence of dark forces, literally the death of the soul.

Take action!

Why do you dream if your own child dies? You have absolutely no time left, you need to act now.

Contrary to expectations, the interpretation of sleep is often positive. Thus, the death of an adult son (daughter) hints that he will soon leave his father’s house: he will leave, get married, and have offspring.

Seeing your dead son in a dream can mean receiving a pleasant message or a major home celebration. Did you dream that your son died? Soon you will receive an invitation to a magnificent banquet and have a good rest.


Why do you dream if your daughter died? The dream book considers this an omen of illness, debt, and instability.

Did you happen to see your dead daughter? In the near future you are destined for very serious expenses. If your daughter died in a dream, then in reality problems will appear where you previously drew strength and inspiration.

Did you dream about the death of your daughter? Follow the advice of the dream book and prepare for a short-term, but rather difficult stage of life. But remember: a streak of fantastic luck and success will follow.

According to Miller

Did you dream about the death of your child? Something threatens his prosperous and carefree life. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to identify the cause of the danger.

How did you die?

The dream book is convinced: in order to clearly find out why the vision in question is dreaming, it is advisable to establish the cause of death.

  • Crashed - obstacles in your endeavors.
  • Got hit by a car - fear, anxiety.
  • Drowned - liberation from difficulties.
  • Killed - a joyful event is approaching.
  • Died from an illness - a long-standing problem will be solved.
  • He committed suicide - an incredible success, a real triumph.

He grew up!

Did you dream about the death of your child? Someone needs your protection and care. It's good to see a dead child in your own bed. This means that a hopeless business will bring good profits.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden death of a practically healthy child under the age of 1 year as a result of cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest, the cause of which cannot be determined by pathological examination. The syndrome is sometimes called "crib death" or death without cause. However, there are reasons or risk factors for the development of this little-studied phenomenon, and parents, by eliminating them from their lives, can save their child’s life and health.

SIDS is not a disease, it is a post-mortem diagnosis that is made when neither the results of the autopsy nor the analysis of the child’s medical record make it possible to determine the cause of death. Such a diagnosis is not made in the event of a previously undetected malformation or death as a result of an accident.

Cases of sudden death among infants have been known since ancient times, but no explanation has been found for them to this day, despite the fact that scientists around the world are working on this problem. For unknown reasons, death in the cradle is not typical for children from Asian families. Sudden death of a child occurs 2 times more often in families of people of the white race than in African Americans and Indians.

Most often, SIDS occurs while the baby is sleeping without showing any symptoms the day before. Cases of SIDS are registered in 5-6 children out of a thousand of their peers.

As a result of studying cases of infant death without cause, some patterns of this ominous and mysterious phenomenon were identified:

  • SIDS in 90% of cases occurs before the baby is 6 months old (usually from 2 to 4 months);
  • Previously, deaths occurred in the cold season (the highest mortality rate was in January); Currently, the probability of death does not depend on the time of year;
  • boys die in 60% of cases;
  • SIDS cannot be predicted or prevented;
  • SIDS is not associated with preventive vaccinations.

Risk factors for SIDS

It is believed that sudden death syndrome is caused by infants sleeping in the prone position.

When studying cases of SIDS, a number of factors contributing to its occurrence (risk factors) were identified:

  • position when the baby sleeps on his stomach;
  • using soft bedding for the child: mattress, pillow, blanket;
  • overheating the child (using cotton blankets or excessive heating in the room);
  • prematurity (the younger the baby’s gestational age, the greater the risk of SIDS);
  • low birth weight of the baby;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • a large number of pregnancies in the mother and short intervals between them;
  • cases of SIDS or stillbirth of previously born children from these parents;
  • late onset or lack of medical supervision during pregnancy;
  • and fetal hypoxia;
  • recent illness in the child;
  • mother's age is under 17 years;
  • maternal smoking, drug or alcohol use;
  • poor economic or social conditions in the family (overcrowding in the apartment, lack of regular ventilation, smoking of family members, unemployed parents, lack of knowledge about caring for a baby);
  • the birth of a child to a single mother;
  • maternal depression in the postpartum period.

I would like to separately point out the danger of death in the cradle due to parental smoking. Studies have proven that if pregnant women did not smoke, the incidence of SIDS would decrease by 40%. Both active and passive smoking during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby are dangerous. Even smoking in the next room with an open window or a fan is harmful.

Possible causes of SIDS

SIDS has not been fully studied. But still, some of the mechanisms that occur when it occurs are described. There are several theories explaining the mechanism of SIDS.

Respiratory dysfunction

During normal sleep, respiratory dysfunction periodically occurs and breathing stops for a short time. As a result of such a stop in respiratory activity, an insufficient amount of oxygen is formed in the blood (hypoxemia), which normally causes awakening and restoration of breathing. If breathing does not resume, the child dies.

Due to the immaturity of regulatory mechanisms, short-term pauses in breathing (apnea) in infants are common. But if such breath holdings occur more than once per hour, and they last longer than 10-15 seconds, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Cardiac dysfunction

Some scientists believe that the leading factor in SIDS is not apnea, but cardiac arrest (asystole). These scientists call heart rhythm disturbances such as extrasystoles and blockades on the electrocardiogram, a decrease in the number of heartbeats less than 70 per minute (bradycardia), and frequently changing heart rate as risk factors.

In support of this theory, scientists cite their discovery in some cases of SIDS of mutations in the gene responsible for the structure of sodium channels in the heart muscle. It is the change in these structures that leads to heart rhythm disturbances.

Heart rhythm disturbances up to a short-term cessation of heartbeat can also occur in healthy children. But if such stops are noticed in a baby, you should immediately consult a doctor and have the child examined.

Changes in the brain stem

Both the respiratory center and the vasomotor center, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart, are located in the medulla oblongata. Research has revealed, in some cases, disturbances in the synthesis of enzymes and the formation of acetylcholine receptors in the cells of the medulla oblongata when exposed to tobacco smoke or its components. These changes contribute to the occurrence of SIDS.

In some children, victims of SIDS, structural lesions and changes in cells in the canteen part of the brain were detected, which arose during intrauterine development due to hypoxia.

Ultrasound echography performed on children who were saved after respiratory arrest revealed pathology in the arteries that supply blood to the brain stem in 50% of cases. This may indicate a cerebrovascular accident, which is the cause of SIDS in some children.

Poor circulation occurs due to compression of the artery at a certain position of the baby’s head. Since the neck muscles are not yet sufficiently developed, the child cannot turn his head on his own. Only after the baby reaches four months does the baby reflexively turn it to a safe position.

Blood supply to the brain worsens when the baby is placed to sleep on its side, but blood flow to the brain is further reduced when the baby is lying on his stomach. During studies in such situations, a weak pulse was noted and breathing slowed sharply.


Confirmation that SIDS develops as a result of severe stress for the child’s body is a whole set of pathological changes found in all absolutely victims of the syndrome.

These are changes such as: small hemorrhages in the thymus gland, lungs, sometimes in the outer lining of the heart, traces of ulceration of the digestive tract mucosa, wrinkled lymphoid formations, decreased blood viscosity. All these phenomena are symptoms of nonspecific stress syndrome.

Clinical manifestations of this syndrome include signs such as runny nose, discharge from the eyes; enlarged tonsils, liver and; ; weight loss. These symptoms occur 2-3 weeks before SIDS in 90% of children. But many researchers do not consider them to be significant for subsequent death. It is likely that stress, combined with any disturbances in the child’s development, leads to dire consequences.

Immune theory and infectious mechanism of SIDS

Most children who died suddenly had symptoms of some kind of infection within a week or on the last day of life. The children were examined by a doctor, some of them received antibiotics.

Proponents of this theory believe that microorganisms secrete toxins or cytokinins, which cause disruption of the body's defense mechanisms (for example, awakening from sleep). As a result, the presence of risk factors for infection is aggravated. Toxins from microorganisms (most often posthumously isolated Staphylococcus aureus) provoke and intensify the inflammatory response. And the baby’s body is not yet able to regulate its own defensive reactions.

Other researchers have compared the types of antibodies to microbes in children who died from other causes and from SIDS. It was revealed that a significant number of children who died in the cradle had IgA antibodies to toxins of enterobacteria and clostridia. Healthy children also have antibodies to these microorganisms, but of different classes (IgM and IgG), which indicates the body’s immune defense against this toxin.

The data obtained allowed the researchers to conclude that such toxins affect all children, but risk factors (overheating, exposure to tobacco smoke components, and others) lead to disruption of defense mechanisms. The resulting combination of infection and risk factors leads to death.

Recently there have been reports of the discovery of the SIDS gene when studying the DNA of healthy children and babies who died from SIDS. It turned out that the risk of sudden infant death increases three times in children who have a mutant (defective) gene responsible for the development of the immune system. However, scientists believe that the presence of such a gene leads to death in the presence of other factors, that is, only in combination with them.

A number of studies indicate that the cause of SIDS may be the causative agent of peptic ulcer disease (Helicobacter pylori). This conclusion is justified by the fact that this microorganism is much more often isolated in the tissues of the stomach and respiratory tract in children who died from SIDS, compared to those who died from other causes. These microbes can cause ammonium synthesis, which causes breathing problems and SIDS. It is assumed that if, when regurgitating, a child aspirates (inhales) a certain amount of microbes contained in the vomit, then ammonium is absorbed into the blood and causes respiratory arrest.

Is swaddling a baby a risk factor?

Experts have different opinions. Some of them believe that it is necessary to swaddle the baby, because he will not be able to roll over and cover his head with a blanket, which means that the risk of SIDS is less.

Proponents of the opposite opinion argue that swaddling interferes with the development of the baby's physiological maturity. Due to tight swaddling, restrictions in movements arise (the child cannot take a comfortable position), which disrupts thermoregulation processes: heat transfer from the body increases in a straightened position.

Breathing is also limited, which means swaddling increases the risk of pneumonia and SIDS, and subsequently the child’s speech develops worse. With tight swaddling, the baby will have less close contact with his mother, which is also important for his development.

Will a pacifier help prevent SIDS?

According to some researchers, using a pacifier when putting your baby to sleep at night and during the day can reduce the risk of SIDS. Experts explain this effect by saying that the pacifier circle will help air penetrate the child’s respiratory organs even if he accidentally covers his head with a blanket.

It is better to start using a pacifier from the age of one month, when breastfeeding has already been established. But you should not be persistent if the child refuses and does not want to take the pacifier. You need to wean your child off the pacifier gradually, before the age of 12 months.

Is it safe for a baby to co-sleep with his mother?

It is believed that co-sleeping with the mother reduces the risk of developing sudden death syndrome by 20%, provided that the mother does not smoke.

Co-sleeping between a baby and its mother (or both parents) is also interpreted ambiguously by different scientists. Of course, such sleep promotes longer breastfeeding. Studies have shown a 20% reduction in the incidence of SIDS when co-sleeping with parents. This can be explained by the fact that the baby's sensitive body synchronizes its heartbeat and breathing with the mother's heartbeat and breathing.

In addition, in a dream, the mother subconsciously controls the sleep of the child nearby. The risk of sudden death especially increases when, after loud crying, the baby falls asleep soundly. During this period, it is safer for the child not to be isolated in his crib, but to be close to his mother, who will notice the cessation of breathing and provide timely assistance.

But on the other hand, the risk of SIDS increases significantly when sleeping together if the parents smoke. Even if they do not smoke in the presence of the child, then during sleep the components that make up tobacco smoke, which are so dangerous for the baby, are released in the air exhaled by the smoker. The same applies to the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs, when the danger for the child of being crushed by one of the soundly sleeping parents increases. You should also not overuse perfume if you sleep with your child.

The risk associated with co-sleeping also increases if the baby is born before 37 weeks' gestation or weighs less than 2.5 kg. You should not co-sleep with your baby if the mother is taking medication that makes you drowsy or feels very tired. Therefore, it is safest to place the baby in a crib after feeding, which is located in the mother’s bedroom, next to her bed.

What should a child's bed be like? What's the best way to put him to sleep?

It is best to place the crib in the mother's room, but not near a radiator, fireplace or heater, to prevent the baby from overheating. The mattress should be firm and even. You can lay an oilcloth on the mattress, with a well-stretched sheet on top. It is better not to use a pillow at all. The bed should be so hard that the baby's head does not leave an indentation.

A blanket in the cold season should be wool, not down or cotton. Do not use a thermal blanket. Cover the child with a blanket no higher than the shoulders, so that the baby does not accidentally cover his head. The child should rest his feet on the bottom side of the crib.

When using a sleeping bag, you must select it strictly in size so that the child cannot go downstairs in it. The temperature in the child's room should not exceed 20˚C. When the baby overheats, the brain's control over the functioning of the respiratory center deteriorates.

To make sure that your baby is not cold, touch his tummy, not his arms or legs (they can be cold even if the baby is warm). When you return from a walk, undress your baby, even if he wakes up in the process.

The baby should only be placed on his back to sleep. To prevent regurgitation and subsequent aspiration (inhalation) of vomit in the supine position, it is necessary to hold the child in an upright position for 10-15 minutes before lying down. This will help him remove air swallowed with food from his stomach.

The prone position increases the risk of SIDS for a number of reasons:

  • deeper sleep (as the threshold for awakening increases);
  • ventilation of the lungs is impaired; this is especially important for infants at 3 months of age, when the reflexes that promote ventilation weaken;
  • there may be an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems;
  • physiological control over the functioning of the heart, lungs, and autonomic functions weakens (including awakening during sleep).

The stomach position is especially dangerous for children, who, as a rule, sleep on their backs and accidentally roll over onto their stomachs in their sleep. Babies who like to sleep on their stomach should be placed on their back after they fall asleep. The side position is also less safe than the back position. Do not put soft toys in the crib.

In the second half of the baby’s life, when he can roll over in bed, you can allow him to take a position that is comfortable for him while sleeping. But you still need to put him to sleep on his back. If the baby is on his stomach, it is better to turn him onto his back.

Despite the fact that cases of sudden death occur more often at night and in the early morning, the child should not be left unattended during nap times. A portable cradle is convenient because the mother can do housework and at the same time be in the same room with her sleeping baby.

Will a baby monitor help?

Modern methods of preventing tragedy offer special devices (monitors) to monitor the breathing or jointly the breathing and heartbeat of the baby from the moment of birth until one year. The monitors are equipped with warning systems that turn on when breathing stops or the heart rhythm is abnormal.

These devices cannot prevent or protect a child from SIDS, but they will sound an alarm and parents will be able to provide timely assistance to the child. Such monitors are especially important for children who are at increased risk of SIDS, or if the child has had breathing problems.

Breast milk or artificial milk formula?

Breastfeeding significantly reduces the risk of an infant developing SIDS.

Studies by many authors have confirmed the importance of breastfeeding for the prevention of SIDS: breastfeeding only up to 1 month increased the risk of SIDS by 5 times; breastfeeding only up to 5-7 weeks – 3.7 times. Mixed feeding of children did not increase the risk of sudden death.

The positive effect of mother's milk is explained by the presence in it not only of immunoglobulins, but also of omega fatty acids, which stimulate the maturation of the baby's brain.

Breastfeeding helps strengthen the baby's immunity and prevent respiratory infections, which can be a trigger for SIDS.

If the mother does not breastfeed her baby and also smokes, the risk of death in the crib increases even more.

Most at risk age for SIDS

Sudden death is unusual for an infant less than one month old. Most often it occurs from the second to the fourth months of life (most often in the 13th week). 90% of crib deaths occur before six months of age. After a child reaches the age of 1 year, cases of SIDS are extremely rare, although cases of sudden death have also been described in practically healthy adolescents (while running, in physical education lessons, and even at rest).

How to help a child?

If a child suddenly stops breathing, you should quickly pick him up, move your fingers vigorously along his spine from bottom to top, massage his earlobes, arms, feet, and shake the child. Usually after this breathing is restored.

If there is still no breathing, you need to immediately call an ambulance and, without wasting time, give the child artificial respiration and cardiac massage before the doctor arrives. Every parent should have the skills to carry them out.

Summary for parents

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of sudden death of an infant, since the causes of its occurrence are not fully understood. But it is possible and necessary to reduce the risk of “death in the crib” to a minimum.

A significant degree of risk of sudden death of the unborn child is laid by the mother during pregnancy. Bad habits (smoking, drug and alcohol use), neglect of medical supervision during pregnancy lead to changes in the fetus, which can then cause SIDS.

If you saw in a dream that a child died, it is quite natural that you would be interested in why such a frightening symbol is being dreamed about. The dream book is encouraging that dreams are often caused by real worries about your child or inspired by tragic events from the past. In this context, a child often symbolizes an idea, new beginnings, and the development of relationships.


The dream book explains in detail why the dead person dreams of being alive when we are talking about children. Apparently, you still cannot come to terms with the loss and continue to mourn it.

The exception is stories in which a deceased child appears alive to say something important. In this case, it makes sense to remember his words and listen to them.

When a deceased son or daughter appears resurrected, the Esoteric Dream Book pays attention to the emotional coloring. Fear or hostility foreshadows adversity. A positive attitude is considered a favorable sign.

During pregnancy

If a pregnant woman dreams of a similar plot, the dream book advises to simply forget about it. It is empty and contains no predictions.

The terrifying images reflect understandable anxiety. It is better for a pregnant woman to postpone the implementation of plans until better times, and now focus on her situation.

Native children

Mothers often see dreams in which a child has died. The interpretation of dreams does not advise taking them literally, although it is also unwise to ignore them. They are often harbingers of a serious generational conflict.

This is not the only explanation for why a mother dreams that her son or daughter has died. A frightening symbol heralds the beginning of a very favorable period.

A deceased child often serves as a harbinger of everyday adversity: a streak of failures in business or disappointment in relationships with people.

There is also a more positive interpretation of dreams. If in reality the child is sick, the dream promises him a speedy recovery.

If your son died in your arms, in reality he will face trials of various kinds. We can talk about health problems or everyday troubles. The dream book warns that the support of loved ones will be very important to him.


When you dream that a small child whom you know in real life has died, this child is really in danger. A dead baby, who is actually alive and well, calls for caution and vigilance.

The interpretation of dreams in which an unfamiliar, abstract baby appears most often mentions a change in the weather.

If a small child died, but was revived, take what you saw in a dream as a sign that you are one step away from your goal. Right now it would be extremely unwise to give up and retreat.

Unborn and infants

Information about why you dream that a newborn baby has died can be found in the dream book. What you dreamed about indicates the futility of the idea or an extreme degree of lack of faith in your own strength, which also does not contribute to achievements.

If you dreamed that a baby died during childbirth, the dream suggests that it is easy to block the path to success with despondency and defeatist attitudes.

The Wanderer's Dream Book explains why one dreams that the fetus died in the stomach before it was born. What you see in a dream symbolizes the sleeping person’s growing up, saying goodbye to childhood illusions. If a childless woman or girl dreams about something like this, it must be assumed that she is simply not yet ready for motherhood.


    I saw in a dream from Thursday to Friday the death of my youngest son, when he was 3 years old. I woke up crying in my sleep. I really hope and pray to God that this dream never comes true. Because before this, a week ago I had a dream that almost all of my teeth fell out with blood.

Considering the death of a child in a dream is quite scary and exciting. However, dream books interpret such a dream vision in a multi-valued way; it can represent favorable events, as well as unfavorable ones. In this regard, in order to find out why such a dream is seen, you need to look at the dream book.

To see a child passing away in your dreams at night is, of course, a frightening sight. But there is no need to worry, because dream books often positively explain such a dream vision. Many years ago and to this day, people noted that death in dreams at night does not mean the same thing in reality.

Perhaps this terrible dream is a reflection of the parent’s worries and anxieties. Inner consciousness similarly outlined the existing restless feeling in the soul.

It has long been known that seeing deceased people in a dream is a symbol that foretells them a long life and excellent health.

Death of your child

The explanation of dreams in many cases is determined by the events taking place and the details of the dream. When in a dream a child was seriously ill for a long time and then passed away, this is a sign that one should be attentive to his well-being in reality.

According to other dream books, on the contrary, a similar dream portends good health for your child. When you dreamed about the death of your own son, this foreshadows a major conflict with him in terms of significance.

Explaining why you dream about the death of a child, multiple dream books say that this is a sign that your worldview will soon change. A sleeping person may be illuminated by a fresh idea, or may change his religion.

When you dream about the death of your own child, dream books explain that in reality he is in trouble. He will probably have trouble with his studies. This is a sign that you should surround him with care, because he needs your help.

The explanation for the vision where your tiny child died may be completely different. Perhaps your relationships with family members are currently at a dead end, and they should be updated, completely rethought.

If you dreamed that a dead child suddenly came to life, this prophesies a joyful trip to distant lands.

Death of a stranger child

When you dreamed that a stranger’s child had died, this promises betrayal of persons dear to you, including relatives. This is a sign that you will be upset about something quite familiar.

Deceased persons express ideas and plans that are not expected to come true. So, this may be some sign of your child who will die while in the fetus. As the dream book says, the death of a child you don’t know foreshadows the girl’s imminent conception of a fetus.

Seeing a baby who has died in reality in your night dreams means that you are experiencing his death very tragically, and you should visit his grave. He probably wants you to examine such a dream as best as possible.

Death of an infant

People in a wonderful position are often disturbed by dreams of impending childbirth. Dream books explain everything that dreams of the death of a child mean to expectant mothers as a favorable signal that in reality the birth will be easy.

When it seems as if the baby dies immediately after birth, this foreshadows the sleeping person’s unsuccessful opportunity to settle the relationship with a loved one.

When an ordinary non-pregnant person has a dream, where she sees the death of her child during childbirth, this is a signal that in reality you will be able to resolve all difficulties, but for this it is worth sacrificing something.


If you dreamed that you hit a child with a car and killed him, this is a sign that you should be careful when implementing your desired plans. By changing your tactics and methods of action, you will be able to achieve more, otherwise you will cause yourself harm, not benefit.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 07/10/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

An ordinary dream book can tell you why you dream about the death of a child. Such a dream carries certain information that can be deciphered. Why you dream about the death of a child, you can guess if you analyze the smallest details of the dream. Only then can you understand what night vision warns about. Usually such a dream causes panic in people, waves of horror, and throws a person off balance for a long time. But what the appearance of such a death in night dreams may portend or warn about will be interesting to know for many.

An ordinary dream book can tell you why you dream of the death of a child.

According to dream books, in order to correctly understand what kind of information the death of a child in a dream may carry, it is advisable to fully recall the plot of the vision. In most cases, such a dream does not warn of any incident or unpleasant news in real life. Interpreters state the following:

  1. Seeing the death of a child in a dream means that in real life you will come up with a fruitful idea or become the founder of a new faith. In a narrow sense, such night vision can foreshadow a change in a person’s life position or worldview.
  2. If you dreamed about the death of one of your familiar children, then in reality this child will be very healthy and will live a long life.
  3. This dream can in reality mark a change in a person’s image, the appearance of a patron in his life who will help him move up the career ladder.

As dream books explain, the death of a child in night dreams rarely brings bad news

But not all is well. Some dream interpreters warn:

  1. If you dreamed about the death of someone else’s child, then in reality you need to be prepared for betrayal from your immediate circle. In some books, this is interpreted as disappointment in friends or acquaintances.
  2. If you see in a dream a baby who has died a long time ago, then you need to visit his grave and order a prayer service in the manner of the deceased. According to dream books, he is trying to convey something to his relatives through a dream, but cannot do it directly. Therefore, he chose an acquaintance and tries to establish a connection through dreams.

As dream books explain, the death of a child in night dreams rarely brings bad news. Usually such a dream is associated with changes in the inner world of the person who had such a dream. But interpreters warn that an adult’s dream of the death of this or that little person should not be told to him. A child should not know that an adult saw his death in a dream. Only in this case will a child or teenager be able to change their life, make it more interesting and eventful.

Why do you dream about death (video)

What could such a dream portend?

Since many dreams are echoes of various processes occurring in the subconscious, some night dreams remain without any explanation. But if you dreamed about the death of a baby, in reality you should expect an unexpected addition to your family. This does not necessarily happen to the person who had the dream. This could be news of the birth of a child from relatives or friends. Some dream books interpret such a dream as the formation of a new, young family.

But if parents dream of the death of their own child, this can portend both good and bad news in reality. It all depends on the plot of the dream. When in night dreams a baby is sick for a long time and painfully and then dies, in real life parents must monitor his health, since the child may be struck by a serious illness.

But according to other interpreters, these dreams foreshadow the excellent well-being of the offspring. Therefore, such a dream is ambiguous.

If you dreamed about the death of your child, then it is better to be prepared for the worst and take appropriate measures in time. Although there is a version that such night vision means the emergence of new opportunities in real life, for example, a close relative may offer to move to a well-paid job.

The death of his offspring, seen by a parent in his night dreams, may mean that the little person will face difficulties, for example, with his studies. This means that he needs to be supported and given more attention to the child.

If in a dream the baby died and then suddenly came to life, then in reality the whole family needs to prepare for a pleasant and exciting journey.

Why do you dream about a newborn (video)

Other interpretations of the death of a child

Often fathers and mothers ask why they dream about the death of their son? The explanation for such an unpleasant dream in most books is clear. According to almost every dream book, the death of a son means the possibility of a scandal, a major conflict between parents and him in real life.

But the matter is not always limited to just a quarrel. Why you dream about the death of your son can be found out from Miller’s dream book. Most often, such a vision warns of imminent separation, which will occur due to the move of a younger family member to another city. For example, he will go to study in the capital or find a profitable job in another region. Some dream books claim that the vision warns of the appearance of a woman in the son’s life who will cause discord between him and his parents.

Pregnant women see many dreams, most often nightmares, that are associated with future births. If she dreams of the death of a newborn, then in real life she will not be able to establish relationships with relatives.

If she dreamed of the death of a child, it means that in reality the birth will go very well, so there is no need to worry. The baby will be healthy and the mother will recover quickly from the event.

When a girl or non-pregnant woman dreams of the death of a baby during childbirth in her night dreams, then in reality she must prepare for the failure of the business she has begun. If the death of a baby in a dream occurred in the womb, then in reality such a woman will be able to get rid of the problems that have washed over her, but at the same time she will have to sacrifice something.

If a person dreams that he hit someone else’s child, and it then died, then he must be more patient and careful in life. You cannot achieve your goals by any means, as this will lead to serious complications that will be very difficult to overcome.

If in a dream a car hit a baby, but he did not die, then in reality you need to prepare for a serious test that will bring many problems, but thanks to the efforts made, the person will be able to overcome difficulties.

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