Zodiac sign Taurus child girl characteristics. Girl - zodiac sign Taurus Taurus characteristics of the child's sign

Each zodiac sign is subject to a specific element. Taurus is ruled by the Earth element, so people born under this sign are down-to-earth and practical. The Taurus boy has been showing his independence and unwillingness to obey orders since childhood. But not only the zodiac sign influences the child’s character - the eastern horoscope and his name also determine the behavior and fate of the baby. Knowing all the positive and negative sides of a Taurus boy born in the year of the Dog, you can learn to get along with him.


Taurus boys are friendly and cheerful children. They rarely quarrel with their peers, because they often show friendliness, honesty and goodwill towards other people. But this is only until others show their anger, rudeness or begin to swear. Then the baby becomes a mirror image of his offender and will definitely punish him. Taurus children see reliable protection in their loved ones, so the family environment plays an important role for them. Harmony, calm and love between parents and other relatives will make a boy a purposeful and cheerful person. But scandals and discord in the family will lead to the child becoming indecisive or withdrawing into himself.

In order for the boy to remain an honest person with his life position and principles, parents should not deceive their child. The earthly zodiac sign loves clarity in everything. You need to show by your own example what is good and what is bad. It is necessary to try to answer questions clearly in order to satisfy the child’s interest.

Since Taurus belongs to the earth sign, material values ​​play one of the main roles in life for them. From early childhood, parents should teach their child to save money and manage savings correctly. Taught in childhood, a Taurus teenager will be able to independently save a certain amount for a really necessary thing, and as a man, he will become a financially successful and self-confident person.

You can preserve the cheerful, friendly and purposeful character of a Taurus boy only through praise, approval and encouragement of your child’s good deeds. With age, such children will not lose faith in themselves, determination and perseverance.

Eastern horoscope

Dogs are very loyal animals, so children born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope are faithful and reliable companions. Such boys always have many friends, they are friendly with their peers, sociable and interesting. Like a magnet, the Dog child attracts other children and makes true friendships with them. Boys born this year are very active. Their life credo is to move forward, so these children often connect their future with sports. Parents should think about enrolling their child in a sports section, directing his enormous energy in the right direction.

Studying will be easy for boys, because the Year of the Dog gives children a thirst for knowledge. And such a character trait as responsibility allows you to achieve great success in your studies. A sense of duty helps in the future to occupy high positions, to be a reliable partner and friend. The negative aspects of the Dog boy’s character include his sensitivity and vulnerability to spoken words, and touchiness. Such a child takes not only words, but also actions to heart.

He can carry the resentment (as a result) with him for a very long time, sometimes all his life. Therefore, kids need to be taught to forgive and not let everything negative pass through themselves.

The Year of the Dog endows its “owners” with friendliness and cheerfulness, which is very close to Taurus. The combination of two similar signs only enhances the characteristics of its owner. There is no need to doubt the reliability and devotion of such a child - he will definitely not let you down and will always lend a helping hand to a friend. The Taurus Dog is overly trusting, which can harm him. Therefore, parents are faced with a difficult task - to teach their child to distinguish good people from bad ones, otherwise gaining trust in such a child will not be difficult.

How to educate?

Taurus boys have a difficult character, but you can find an approach to them. From an early age, such a child will show his reluctance to obey the orders and instructions of his parents. If the elders show some kind of aggression towards their child, threaten, raise their voices or force them to do something, they will receive exactly the same reaction in return. In this case, the child will stand his ground to the last, stubbornly defending his point of view.

Taurus parents need to know that no amount of shouting or decrees can subjugate a child as much as tenderness and affection. You can always come to an agreement with such a child if you talk to him calmly, judiciously, without showing aggression or anger. And if reasonable arguments are given, then we can assume that the child almost agrees to any proposals.

You shouldn’t scold them for taking a long time to eat or solving math equations slowly (we’re talking about a schoolchild). It must be remembered that boys of the earth sign are somewhat slow in their actions, so they should not be rushed too much. “The slower you go, the further you will go” - this is about them. They believe that it is better to do something slowly and then show excellent results.

It is very important to encourage your child, praise him for good deeds, focusing on this. The child immediately has an incentive to do even better, to achieve even greater results and success. When parents get ready to send their child to any club, they should remember that Taurus boys need an activity that requires perseverance and determination. These qualities are inherent in the earth sign, but they must be directed in the right direction without wasting energy in vain.

What name is appropriate?

Not only the zodiac sign and horoscope can influence the character of the baby. A correctly chosen name will help correct the boy’s future and endow him with those traits that will be useful throughout his life. It is not always possible to determine the year, and even more so the month of birth of your child, but what to name the child is a conscious choice of the parents.

The name is selected according to several criteria:

  • the meaning of the name, its translation from one language or another;
  • successful combination/consonance with patronymic;
  • the predominance of certain qualities that their child will need;
  • compliance with the Orthodox or other religious calendar.

If you want to endow your child with perseverance and determination, the boy should be named Boris, Roman or Gleb. The names Matvey, Alexey, Ilya, Ivan will add gentleness and obedience. Children named Anton, Arseny, Dmitry will be added to masculinity and courage. Parents who want to see their sons as businessmen can name them Maxim, Yaroslav, Bogdan. All these names go well with the earthly element, to strengthen which the following names are also suitable: Makar, Timur, Vasily, Daniil, Matvey, Taras, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikita.

Boys whose parents have successfully chosen names always achieve their goals, because they have enough energy not only to start a task, but also to complete it. At the same time, Taurus children are sensitive to their surroundings and are always happy to help and show care.

Children's horoscope for a Taurus child, see the following video.

Since childhood, the Taurus girl has pleased her parents with her calm character and outstanding abilities. She gives tenderness and care to loved ones, helps her mother with housework, and does well at school. Love and attention are very important for this baby, since she assigns an important role to feelings in her life.

April 21 - May 21

zodiac sign Taurus

A Taurus girl can be calm or noisy, shy or lively, serious or funny. But she is always stubborn, stubbornly defends her point of view and is endlessly patient. She gives anyone and everyone close to her the benefit of the doubt - until they back her into a corner. And then she withdraws into herself, becomes gloomy and seeks solitude.

Since childhood, the Taurus girl has given the main place to feelings, but she treats all things practically. She enjoys playing with dolls, exploring the world around her, and expressing her emotions vividly. Parents of such a child should rejoice in the fact that they have the opportunity to enjoy children's spontaneity and forget about business for a while. She will be happy to try on a beautiful dress and complement it with a bright headband or her mother’s beads. This little girl has wanted to be feminine since childhood. She has excellent taste and a refined sense of beauty.

As a child, she strives to win the love and affection of others. She likes it when adults hug, kiss, and praise her. She doesn't like to be the center of attention, but she doesn't tolerate loneliness well. For a Taurus girl, it is important to feel the ground under her feet. She doesn't want to have her head in the clouds. To adults, she gives the impression of a calm and reasonable child who strives for practicality, order, and discipline.

At any age, your Taurus daughter can be an absolute charm. And how could it be otherwise if her sign is ruled by Venus? During such periods, you will admire the ease with which she communicates with people and copes with unexpected situations. Her desire to explore the world around her encourages her to spend weekends with friends, play sports, and immerse herself in everything related to physical activity.

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Raising children worries many parents, whether they are young parents expecting their first child or experienced moms and dads. Today we will reveal some secrets for raising children born between 21.04 and 21.05. Taurus babies, what are they like? What character and educational measures should be applied to them? How are they different from other zodiac signs? We will consider the weaknesses and strengths of character in the article.

Taurus character

From birth, Taurus people are calm and peaceful. They, like no one else, need touching and stroking. A newborn representative of the sign may cry not only from hunger or discomfort, but also from a lack of tactile sensations.

Children born in the constellation Taurus are not aggressive, but do not like to be forced. You can cause protest and a negative attitude even by attempting to coerce. Only with affection and tenderness can you achieve what you want from your baby.

A baby belonging to an earthly zodiac sign should feel solid ground under his feet. Any unexpected action can unsettle and discourage the sign representative for some time.

Features of a Taurus girl

Like all children, girls of this sign try to explore the unknown world. However, a parent's “don't touch” will not stop her. Taurus girls are very resilient and value loyalty and stability. The representative of the constellation enjoys the simple joys of life.

In clothing, preference is given to convenience; beauty and fashion remain in the background. Girls of this sign choose high-quality food, the beauty of nature, and people’s loyalty to each other. Thus, stocking up on positive emotions for adult life.

Features of a Taurus boy

Representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign also react negatively to decrees. In general, it is very difficult to make a Taurus boy lose his temper; he is distinguished by his calmness and quiet disposition.

Completes any task slowly, but efficiently. Parents need to know that such a boy should not be rushed, otherwise he will begin to get confused or completely abandon what he started.

He expects only warmth and love from loved ones, otherwise he will think that “no one needs him.” Trusting relationships with parents, their support and praise give self-confidence for life.

Baby's health

Children born in the constellation Taurus are very viable. With timely hardening and proper nutrition, the health of the sign representative will be strong. If a cold does catch up, then you should be wary of diseases of the ear, neck, throat, and maxillary sinuses.


Children born under the sign of Taurus can get carried away by any creative activity:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • tailoring and modeling of clothes;
  • wood carving and the like.

They also love to sing and dance. Therefore, it is advisable to develop these talents. These skills may not be useful in adult life, but they will help you feel more confident.


Do hobbies lead to abilities, or vice versa? From birth, Taurus loves to “dig” in the soil, work with plants, and care for them. Parents of such children should not discourage this activity.

Representatives of the sign are distinguished by their excellent hearing and voice; they just need to develop their abilities.

In kindergarten

In preschool age, children born under the sign of Taurus are distinguished by diligence and determination. Such qualities can either have a positive effect on character or not. For example, your little one will wake up and refuse to go to the garden. However, patience will help with skill acquisition, fine motor skills and drawing.

At an early age, representatives of the sign have a highly developed trait such as greed. Parents need to make a lot of effort to teach their son or daughter to share sweets or toys.

At school

If you are the parents of a child who belongs to the zodiac sign Taurus, do not spare money on quality education. He needs to learn not only the “ordinary” knowledge that is given at school. Developing in a creative direction, studying interesting facts or discovering new horizons, the child will feel happy.

At school, the representative of the sign does not behave aggressively, but his academic performance is “lame”. Taurus understand the material when they “try” it, understand it clearly, but at school it’s mostly theory. Moreover, in school institutions there is a rhythm that always pushes and hurries (which Taurus does not like).

How to educate?

Aggressive methods of education, threats and coercion will not only not give a positive result, but will only ruin the relationship between you. Only strong justifications will help achieve the desired result.

One of the important factors in raising a balanced personality is a full-fledged and happy family. The Taurus child should feel that his home is an impregnable fortress in which he will hide from any adversity.

Family relationships

The women around him play a very important role in the life of a sign representative. Relationships with mother, grandmother, sister should be warm and trusting.

Taurus loves to lie in bed, eat sweets, and if he is indulged in this, the parents will greatly spoil the baby. And this will have a detrimental effect on health. Clear boundaries of what is permitted and the validity of events will build a trusting relationship with the baby.

Relationships with other children

In a team, Taurus people don’t really stand out. However, after time, when the positive qualities are appreciated by comrades, the representative of the sign can become a leader.

Basically, they have good relationships with their peers, often representatives of the earth sign act as a “conciliator”.

What professions are suitable?

If we consider the positive qualities of a representative of the sign, we can identify many suitable professions. For example, a passion for land and plants will help you develop in the field of agronomy and agriculture. Pedantry and faith only in facts are useful in journalism. Punctuality and diligence are useful in any area of ​​business relations. Charm and a “light” style will be relevant for a TV presenter.

For professions where you need to make momentary decisions, representatives of the sign are definitely not suitable.

Taurus are calm and faithful, they love home and comfort. Parents need to develop them not only physically, but also spiritually, and not get hung up on things and fashion trends. Representatives of the sign know how to enjoy simple things, but they like expensive, luxurious things.

Taurus people are constancy. Thus, parents will not have to change clubs and look for new and new activities for their child. Having chosen a favorite activity, the child will receive pleasure and profit from it.

While Aries children are pioneers, Taurus dutifully pulls the plow and cultivates the land. They need to see tangible results of their work, even if it is just a small garden, but entirely theirs.

In a group of children, the Taurus child takes the position of an observer, and before joining others, he will carefully weigh and evaluate everything. This may happen immediately, or it may take him several days. This depends on how quickly and thoroughly your Taurus processes social information.

He needs to understand everything in detail, and even understand whether he will fit in with this company. But, even after joining this group of children and accepting the leader, Taurus leaves some part of himself closed to others, carefully preserving something personal, secret, belonging only to him.

The Taurus child does not make quick judgments. He walks at his usual pace and follows his own convictions, even if it later turns out that the road he is walking on was paved by someone else. Remember the story of Ferdinand the Buffalo? He preferred to smell flowers rather than fight in the arena. This is also typical for a Taurus child. Ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, your Taurus child thrives in a harmonious and protected environment. So if you and your better half argue or fight, try to do it when your Taurus baby is not around. Some Taurus children can be very selfish. They do not like to share with anyone and think about themselves first. But sometimes they can show incredible empathy.

All those born under this sign have a highly developed aesthetic taste: Taurus likes bright cars; soothing colors of fabrics; those types of art that are close to them in spirit; books written in beautiful, flowing language. Since Taurus is an earth sign, they often engage in activities that involve their sense of touch: gardening, knitting, painting, writing, traveling, sex.

Taurus children act as observers

But don’t expect Taurus to rush somewhere at your first request. Don’t even try to force him to put everything in its place. If you try to get a Taurus child to do what you want, he will refuse until you can finally convince him that your approach is the best. This child is the personification of stubbornness.

It seems that boys and girls of this sign are born with an instinctive knowledge of what is right for them. Even when their instincts fail them, they are in no hurry to change their minds. This does not mean that Taurus children are calculating or like to manipulate others - they just demand proof. But even when they receive them, in order for these children to change - if this ever happens - it takes patience and work. The Taurus child is usually well built and has excellent coordination.

However, the weakest part of his body is his neck - this is where tension and stress first appear. Therefore, even at a young age, he benefits from massage and chiropractic treatments. If your Taurus child is not inclined to play team sports, then he should do some kind of physical exercise on a regular basis, as children of this sign tend to be overweight. They love to eat delicious food.

Stealth is like the middle name of your Taurus son. Don't expect him to share his deepest thoughts and feelings with you. You (like every other person in his life) need to gain his trust first. But even after this, there will be many moments in your relationship marked by silence, when he tightly withdraws into himself. But instead of getting annoyed, look for other ways to restore contact that may make him open up: go to some campsite, take a long walk or kayak, after which you can sit on the shore of a lake watching the sunset. Your Taurus son loves being outdoors and appreciates everyone who shares this pleasure with him.

He has great patience. But if you offend him in some offensive way, if you get him out of patience, then it’s like untying an angry bull - Taurus will show his explosive temperament, sweeping away everyone and everything in his path. But he doesn't hold grudges. For this, he is too tender and loving in nature.

A Taurus boy can be very secretive and not talk about his problems.

Taurus boys, as well as girls of the same sign, are known for their amazing stubbornness. You'll notice this immediately if you cook something for dinner that your Taurus son can't stand or try to force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Neither threats nor punishment will help - the child will not watch an unloved program, eat a hated food, or do something that disgusts him. Remember: its sign is fixed. He is resistant to change. And his patience is almost endless; the child will simply wait until you back down.

As your son gets older, he becomes more fickle. But if he settles down, he will become a good family man, unless his better half constantly grumbles, making his life so inharmonious that he simply cannot bear it. When it comes to matters of the heart, the best advice you can give your Taurus son is to be completely honest. And he will carry it throughout his life.

Like ice cream, it comes in a variety of “flavors.” She can be calm or noisy, shy or lively, serious or funny. But she is always stubborn, stubbornly defends her point of view and is endlessly patient. She gives anyone and everyone who is close to her the benefit of the doubt - until they back her into a corner. And then she withdraws into herself, becomes gloomy and seeks solitude.

Your Taurus daughter, as a rule, does not feel lonely. As a child, she can spend long hours playing alone, or sitting in front of the TV when cartoons are shown, or reading books - in a word, doing what she likes. A Taurus girl whose father comes home from work at almost the same time as her mother leaves for work tends to sit at the foot of her father's bed while he sleeps and watch TV or play with her toys while waiting for her father to wake up. Your daughter's occasional solitude may allow her to maintain her immune system, process new information, or delve into past life memories that have some connection to her present life.

Taurus girls are very noisy and cheerful

For example, eight-year-old Jessie once told her grandmother in great detail about how she and her brother once lived in Egypt. In that life, she could not help him in any way, so now they were born again so that she could learn to share everything with him. At any age, your Taurus daughter can be an absolute charm. And how could it be otherwise if her sign is ruled by Venus? During such periods, you will admire the ease with which she communicates with people and copes with unexpected situations. Her desire to explore the world around her encourages her to spend weekends with friends, play sports, and immerse herself in everything related to physical activity.

Like Taurus of the opposite sex, she needs an outlet in the form of physical exercise: karate lessons, volleyball, swimming. Give her a chance and she will achieve great success at it. As you grow up, your Taurus daughter's sensitive nature is very vulnerable. If she trusts someone and this trust is betrayed, nothing can console her. If you try to force her to be frank, start persuading her, you will not help her with words. She needs to retreat to a quiet corner where she can lick her wounds and think about what happened in order to heal.

In a few months or even years, she may return to this incident. What you thought was just an age-related episode turned out to be a turning point in her life. Having a Taurus daughter, you will rarely be able to see all the manifestations of her character.

Age stages of a child - Taurus

From infancy to seven years. This period is usually easy to manage. Your Taurus baby sleeps peacefully through the night from an early age and does not bother his parents too much. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, but in general the Taurus baby is content with what he has.

But once your Taurus baby learns to crawl and then walk, his incredible patience can evaporate very quickly. It looks like he is trying to catch up and now wants everything at once.

You can soothe a crying child with anything, even drawing.

At this stage, parents should use some distracting maneuvers: read books to the baby, let him draw with pencils on paper or crayons on the path in front of the house, call his friends to play together, or the whole family go for a walk outside the city. Besides all this, try to make your Taurus child always feel loved and protected.

From seven to fourteen years. Sometimes this period is marked by special secrecy, and sometimes by incessant chatter. In combination with the Moon, this usually happens. During this crucial period, your task as a parent is to convince the Taurus child that you support him, that you are ready to listen to him without judging or criticizing. The rebellion of a Taurus teenager is hidden, veiled. He keeps his emotions inside. For one seventh grade girl, rebellion was expressed in creativity. She wrote intricate but beautiful poems and stories, which she never showed to her parents. Another teenage girl's rebellion involved sneaking out of the house after her parents went to bed to feed and pet a stray dog. In other words, children of this sign tend to rebel differently than most teenagers. Their rebellion is expressed in a very unique way.

From fourteen years to twenty-one years. Personality formation in Taurus children usually occurs slowly - much slower than in children of other solar signs. Remember: these children are fixed earth signs; they are not prone to unexpected changes. If they try drugs, it is usually just an experiment for them - a desire to see what a state of exaltation is like. The same applies to sex, except that sex involves emotions, and for a Taurus this pretty much ruins the whole picture. He is capable of feeling deeply and being deeply vulnerable. Keep this in mind and encourage your Taurus teen to talk about how he feels.

Taurus after twenty-one years. By this time, young Taurus has already taken on some obligations or is already married (or married). Despite their need for privacy, both Taurus men and women enjoy companionship and the sense of security that comes with making a commitment. However, the temptation to “graze for greener pastures” always looms large.

Taurus people feel more secure around friends.

Travel, other lovers, a different way of life, everything new and unknown - how can you fit all this into one life? He wants to love and be loved; wants to have a family, stability and security, but the seductive unknown beckons him. What might he miss if he continues to follow the usual path? What could he become if his life changed direction? Will he ever find out? Maybe you should dare and find out?

Essence of the Taurus Child

The essence of a Taurus child often lurks deep inside, away from prying eyes. You may never even know about it, or you may encounter it completely unexpectedly. If your Taurus wants to reveal his secrets to you, encourage him, encourage him to speak out, let him ask any questions. And give honest answers to them. Bring your child books on the topic or invite him to go on a walk or boat ride, where private places are conducive to frank conversation.

The Taurus child's approach to spiritual problems is usually practical and down-to-earth. Initially, he derives pleasure from religious rituals, from the obligations associated with a particular faith. This introduces the child to the basic rules and provides a basis for comparison. But don't be surprised if he suddenly abandons his spiritual studies when he's old enough to think for himself.

Zodiac sign Taurus

Your Taurus child's spiritual inclinations may be deeply hidden and personal, especially if he makes his discoveries about how everything in life is interconnected at a young age. He feels this especially deeply when he finds himself in nature and doing what he likes most - be it climbing rocks or just walking around the surrounding area. In this respect, a park can be no worse than a real forest, and if both are unavailable, a lush summer garden will do.

The most important thing for parents of a Taurus child to remember is that his views are formed early in development and he will not change them without a fight. And if you try to drive him into some specific spiritual niche, if you start lecturing, then he simply will not listen to you. But if you work together with him, try to understand him, then your own spiritual path will be enriched beyond all measure.

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Not only the name determines some aspects of a person’s personality and even a person’s fate. In this matter, you also need to take into account the horoscope. And even though skeptics do not have a very positive attitude towards this statement, life still shows that such a division of people takes place. Today I want to talk about exactly what kind of baby this is, and how he will differ from his peers - this will be discussed further.

Basics about Taurus children

So, what kind of child is he - a representative of this zodiac sign? Initially, it should be noted that these are “earthly” children. That is, their element is earth. They are generally calm and assiduous. However, they are distinguished by perseverance and even to some extent stubbornness. It should definitely be noted that such kids need a hard floor under their feet and a reliable rear. This is why Taurus children always value their family and consider it the main support in life. But, despite this, little representatives of this zodiac sign are independent and independent from their parents. They do not tolerate being led. One should not be surprised if they respond to coercion with aggression and extreme discontent.

But it should still be noted that the Taurus child is a calm and balanced person. Very rarely they break down and get nervous, causing inconvenience to parents and others. If it were not for stubbornness, then this sign could be called ideal. Such children never fight with their peers, yielding to them in almost everything. But this does not mean at all that they cannot stand up for themselves. Such precedents will happen, but extremely rarely. After all, Taurus are very patient and are able to endure insults and other inconveniences for a long time. It must also be said that the Taurus child will always stand up for the weaker. Even if you have to go against someone who is stronger or smarter. Such children are not afraid of difficulties; it is important for them that justice always prevails.

And one more very important point: the Taurus child really values ​​​​comfort and coziness. Such kids simply need to live in good conditions, eat tasty food and enjoy their lives. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not need much, but they should always have a comfortable minimum.

Games and entertainment

How does a Taurus child have fun and what will he be interested in? Initially, it is worth reminding that these are calm children. And their games should be the same. Playing with construction sets and putting together puzzles is ideal for these kids. These fun activities will captivate such a child for a long time, giving parents rest and peace of mind. Taurus people also love to read. They prefer mostly science fiction and fairy tales. You shouldn't deny them this. After all, representatives of this sign really like to live in a fantasy world.

It is important to note that a Taurus child is such little ones who can try a lot until they find something that is truly interesting and exciting. It can be almost anything: drawing, modeling from plasticine or clay, carving, embroidery, sewing, dancing, singing, etc. If the baby at first glance does not show anything like this, you need to try to find him a hobby. After all, creativity is one of the most important paths on the life path of representatives of this zodiac sign.

Important: Taurus people are naturally endowed with a good voice. They love to sing and do it with great enthusiasm. If you work on the voice of a Taurus child, he can become an excellent singer.


Let's look further at the horoscope and zodiac. It is also important to note that a Taurus child is most often cute or attractive. Such children always have a special appearance that attracts attention. These could be plump lips, big eyes, fluffy eyelashes or golden curls. One thing is for sure: such a baby will always and everywhere be admired by others. But this also has its downside: such children are very often exposed to the influence of other people’s energy. And unfortunately, not always positive.

Taurus babies are always stocky and short. They have powerful arms, legs, and body. The same applies to girls. The eyes of such children are mostly dark and deep-set. However, even in early childhood they know how to look good, because they have an innate sense of style. At an older age, as a teenager, it will be very important for Taurus to dress well. This does not mean that children will chase fashion. On the contrary, they will dress the way they like. Despite everything and without listening to the opinions of others. It is worth noting that there are so many eccentrics and unusual personalities among Taurus.

A Taurus child girl will outwardly be far from the modern ideal. These are not miniature and fragile beauties who can be called Thumbelina. However, this does not mean at all that such babies are outwardly unattractive. They have charm and charisma, which are sometimes more important than a slim figure. It is important to note that such girls often find themselves in sports, reaching the top in this field.

About family

What else is interesting about Taurus (sign)? Children, as mentioned above, value their family very much. For them, relatives are the most important thing in life, while for other children, friends or entertainment are more important. For such children, parents are not only authorities, but also the best comrades. Taurus people love and respect their mom and dad, no matter what. We must also not forget that such children are kinesthetic learners. Physical contact is very important to them. Therefore, they need to be hugged and caressed as often as possible. In early childhood, they should feel their mother as often as possible, because of this, in the first year of life they may seem capricious.

If there are several children in a family, Taurus may behave differently in different situations. The older brother (sister) Taurus is practically the same parent who will take full care of the kids, while bearing full responsibility for their lives and health. You can always rely on such children, leaving them in charge at home. However, if Taurus has a similar relative, then difficulties may arise. A child may sometimes act selfishly by refusing to share his toys. But this is all due to jealousy, the struggle for the attention of parents. Such children should not be scolded, they just need to be shown that they are as loved as the second child. After this, the spirit of competition should disappear, and peace and tranquility will be established in the family.

You must also remember that baby Taurus does not like change. Stability and constancy are important to him. Frequent changes of place of residence are not for such kids. It is even difficult for them to leave their home for a while, for example, to go on vacation. During departure, they experience stress, and to some extent even despair. However, after a while everything returns to normal. Such children return to their father's home with great joy. When you are away, you often get bored, no matter how interesting your vacation may be.

Let's look further at the horoscope. The Taurus child, as mentioned above, is very strongly attached to home. That is why it is often very difficult for him to take a step towards something new. Especially at an older age. His parents should help him with this. From a very early age, such children should be sent to various clubs, studios and courses, so that they visit a variety of places without focusing on their home. And if at first such a kid may resist this, later he will definitely say “thank you” for it.


What else is different about a Taurus child? The characteristics of this sign suggest that such children do well at school. If they wish, they can even be excellent students. However, this is not typical for them. Taurus will study only those sciences that they like and enjoy. What is not interesting, they will simply “pass by”.

Since Taurus loves order and does not like change, school years can be their golden time. And although initially the process of getting used to it may take a long time (we are talking about first-graders), then everything will be very good. These are children who will not break the established rules and will never go against the system. That's why teachers always like them. Taurus are always on good terms with their peers, without enemies or ill-wishers.

As for your favorite items, do not forget that Taurus are representatives of the earthly element. They are practitioners to the core. That’s why they like practical sciences, not theoretical ones. Such children will never understand philosophy or rhetoric, but physics or chemistry can become their close friend.

Don't forget that Taurus are very slow. They learn well, but they are not able to grasp everything on the fly. To understand, they need a little more time than other students. However, they are able to compensate for this with good memory and perseverance.

Attention: Taurus should never be punished for sluggishness, he should not be pushed. This can turn into stress for such children. After such incidents, children may lose faith in themselves and their strengths, gain uncertainty and complexes. So you need to be extremely careful when assessing their activities so as not to injure or offend in vain.


Let's look further at the signs of the zodiac. The Taurus child differs from other children in his desire to eat well. If in early childhood all children refuse to eat, then representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to eat well. Moreover, they are prone to overeating. And this often causes problems such as obesity and excess weight gain.

Taurus children love sweets. They simply cannot imagine life without something tasty. But they also like a variety of fruits. They especially love strawberries and melon. And all because these are probably the sweetest berries.

Attitude to material

However, like a girl, she is a very thrifty child. Nothing ever breaks, gets damaged or gets lost. They are very careful with all their property. They are economical and incapable of waste. Such children will never buy themselves anything extra, wanting to raise money for something big and worthwhile. And they succeed without any problems. However, such children will not spend their material resources on gifts for relatives, even the closest ones. They will put them aside “for later” and definitely for themselves.

Fears and negative character traits

It should be noted that Taurus are very afraid of change. For them, this is probably the worst thing that can happen in life. They become strongly attached to people, terrain, and way of life. And they are very reluctant to tolerate change. They experience any termination of a relationship very difficult, and this despite their age. It is very difficult for Taurus to adapt to new circumstances. As an adult, such a person will always have something from childhood in his house to remind him of his father’s house.

It must also be said that these are very thrifty children. And often this even goes beyond all acceptable boundaries, bordering on greed. To eradicate this negative trait, such a child must be taught to share from a very early age.

Well, the main drawback of Taurus children is stubbornness. However, it does not appear too often, unless such kids are contradicted on any occasion. Otherwise, the child may do the opposite just to get his way.

A few words about girls

What makes a Taurus girl child special? Such babies are very economical, they are attached to the house and even in their teens they will not go out at night. Girls representatives of this sign grow up to be excellent wives and good future mothers. After all, they are not used to arguing and conflict. It is easier for them to obey than to get their way.

Girls of this sign also do not strive to be the first in a company or at school. But they succeed anyway, because they are very kind and often good-looking. Representatives of this sign make excellent swimmers and track and field athletes.

A few words about boys

What is he like, a Taurus boy? Such guys, at first glance, may seem like mummies and mummy's boys. However, this is absolutely not true. For them, parents are the strongest authority, this is true. But they also have their own head on their shoulders. Boys of this sign are very slow and calm, they are not like the brutal guys that teenage girls like so much. However, these are excellent husbands and fathers. This should not be forgotten.

Combination of two horoscopes

Well, at the very end I would like to say a few words about what children can be like, depending on their belonging to the eastern horoscope.

Taurus and Rat. Such children cannot sit in one place, despite their outward calm. They love it especially with the ball. Their main fear is to appear funny in the eyes of others.

Taurus and Ox. These are children who set high goals for themselves. They are very dependent on material things, so they have been trying to earn money since childhood. For example, they can do work at home for a certain amount of money. They often try to use people for their own purposes. However, they rarely succeed.

Taurus and Tiger. Such kids are very reasonable. They seem wise and reasonable beyond their years. They will never be the first to get into a fight or argue. They are often ambitious and think that they will succeed in everything. This is where they get burned.

Taurus and Cat. Children of this combination are very calm. They are homebodies to the core. They do not like companies and society; they prefer to be alone with themselves. Uncommunicative.

Taurus and Dragon. Very modest kids. They will never put their “I” above those around them. Prone to self-sacrifice. Such children really want to be first, but they fail to do so. Although in the company they can occupy the role of a “gray eminence”.

Taurus and Snake. These kids really want to seem smart. But their knowledge is shallow and superficial. They know everything, but little by little. This is their main problem. At school, teachers like them, but most often their relationships with their peers do not work out.

Taurus and Horse. This kid is responsible. In addition, such children really want to be useful to others, doing everything even to the detriment of themselves. They are moderately optimistic, they appreciate their strengths, so they are never deceived in their expectations and hopes.

Taurus - Goat. The child of this combination is a thinker. He will think about it ten times and only on the eleventh will he do it. It should be noted that this is a very contradictory combination. In such a child, laziness and the desire to achieve certain heights are constantly fighting. The Taurus child, when born, has a very changeable and sentimental character. For girls this is not so scary, but boys will have to struggle with these traits all their lives. What else is interesting about the Taurus-Sheep combination? In this case, the child may become completely absorbed in his studies or hobbies. And all in order to prove to others your importance.

Taurus and Monkey. Such children often have inflated self-esteem. They are sure that everyone must obey them. Because of this, a lot of troubles arise in the company of peers. They love to work for the public. Although at heart they are still good guys who will never harm anyone.

Taurus and Rooster. Such a child is a warrior, a soldier. He must achieve his goal with a fight, it’s more interesting for him. If there are no problems, such children can create them themselves and then resolve them on their own. These are strong-willed kids who have a strong character from early childhood.

Taurus and Dog. These kids never hurt anyone. After all, before they say or do anything, they are able to think. Their main problem is increased caution, which can often play a cruel joke on them.

Taurus and Pig. This is a very strict and demanding child. Such children always look good, they watch their speech. They are very careful, because they believe that the main thing in their life is to please others.